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Sage of Discord

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Everything posted by Sage of Discord

  1. Oh, you have got to be *bleepity bleeping bleeping bleep* KIDDING ME! I made this topic in the hopes that someone would know the story I was talking about. I wrote that I couldn't find it in Harry/Snape, Snape/Hermione or Threesomes. So I go back to the HP archive and go to click on Femslash, when my cursor jumps(I have a kind of crappy optical mouse and it does that sometimes). I instead click on General. So I figure, hey, fine, haven't checked the General section in a while. And the damn story is the fifth one down. This is highly humourous to me. For any who want to know, it's called "Remorse" by Ms_Figg
  2. So the fic I'm looking for I only ever saw once. For all I know, it might have been taken down. It was post-HBP, the basic premise was that Harry had caught up with Snape and tortured him, leading to Snape being taken into custody. Snape was put on trial for murdering Dumbledore and sentenced to Azkaban, where he was repeatedly raped by the guards. Eventually the war ended and Snape was freed(either Dumbledore had really been alive, or it all came out after Voldy's defeat, I can't remember), and Harry and Hermione felt so guilty for what they'd caused to happen to Snape that they went to Spinner's End and told him they would do whatever it took for him to forgive them. I think you can see where this is headed. So there was loads of rough Snape/Hermione sex, and loads of rough Snape/Harry sex. And also some Harry/Hermione, which Harry didn't like because in this story he was gay. And after Snape forgives them, they both eventually show back up wanting more. It's not that I want to give it a glowing review or anything, but there were several instances in it that tickled my brain, and I need to read it again to see if I can find them. I've searched through parts of the Harry/Snape and Snape/Hermione archive, as well as Threesomes/Moresomes, but I have no idea. Anyone seen it?
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