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Sage of Discord

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Everything posted by Sage of Discord

  1. Huh. Never had a problem on my Galaxy. Oh well.
  2. I just tested it, and for me(Firefox 51.0.1 with NoScript, UBlock and Classic Theme Restorer), it only logs me out when I completely exit my browser. Like if I leave and then come back, as long as it’s the same browser session, I’m still logged in.
  3. Anyone else having problems with staying logged in? I have do it every time I close down my browser. The info is still in the boxes, so its not really a problem, but it seems odd.
  4. Oh, one more thing. Any ETA on how long it will be before the site goes secure again? I dislike logging in when there’s a red bar...
  5. I suppose it’s like all the other changes over the years and I’ll get used to it, but I’ve only had a smartphone for literally three months and I never had one seconds trouble navigating the site on it. *shrugs*
  6. Haven’t had a problem logging in or staying logged in, but this ‘in-between’ state the site’s in is just irritating.
  7. Awesomesauce. Glad to hear things are going better.
  8. Whoops, what I meant was that there's a lamentable dearth of BroShep/Tali fics. I will always applaud BroShep/Tali(mainly because Liz Sroka is all kinds of cute).
  9. Pretty good so far, there's a lamentable dearth of BroShep/Tali. Might be a site glitch, but I had to c/p the text into Notepad because it was running off the side of the screen.
  10. Greetings, all, DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC here. Like I did with "Baby, Now That I've Found You", which was the first Blue Dragon story here, I have now written the first Zootopia story. Pretty much, the idea just came to me at work one night, and I bashed it out the next morning. Then I sat on it a few days to polish and spellcheck it, now here it is. Please let me know what you think, if you want to see more, etc., et al. vis a vis, concordantly, ergo, blah blah blah. Author: DiScOrD tHe LuNaTiC Title: Zootopia: Partners in More Ways Than One Summary: After the events of "Zootopia", Nick Wilde is relaxing before starting his new job. But his solitude is about to be interrupted. Feedback: Yes please! Love it, like it, not your cuppa, it sucks, any and all comments are welcome. Fandom: Zootopia Pairing: Judy/Nick Warnings: Anthro/PWP only(for now) Solo story or chaptered story: Solo(for now) URL: http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095082
  11. Pretty much: I wrote a Zootopia story, there's no Zootopia subcat, and Disney>Misc is a ghost town. May post it in Regular Misc in the meantime.
  12. Site wasn't working for me yesterday, but I figured DG would get it sorted, and of course she did. Come back this morning and...is this a new layout or something? Cause if so I'm not loving it.O_o
  13. Hope you get the stuff fixed DG, main site is running terribly slow for me, and keeps timing out. I am sad.
  14. Just read Stolen Moments, quite good, not a pairing you usually see. Perhaps continue?
  15. So the lesson here is no more hot cocoa during writing. Hot cocoa before and hot cocoa after, but not during.
  16. Eris, I've just finished Chapter 23, and let me say this as elegantly and succintly as I can. *clears throat* IT'S ABOUT FRIKKIN' TIME!!!
  17. I for one am glad you didn't have Hermione kidnapped; I've seen that in too many stories. Hrm...as to the twist, I was wondering how you'd get to it. I'm guessing that Harry could marry Luna very quickly, and that the oath with Draco will be a way to get around the secrecy deal. I do like how the Wizengamot isn't much different from any other government; get threatened, overreact.
  18. Not gonna lie, I've enjoyed this story the most of any I've read in quite a while. Bravo.
  19. IDK if this would help, but perhaps this is part of the problem. I've been getting one or two of these since Sunday.
  20. Well, he's apparently very comitted to having the story taken down; guess I'll email him. Thanks.
  21. It involved Lara trying to break into a mansion to steal something(shock, surprise), but she got cornered and raped by guard dogs, then the guy who owned the mansion offered to not press charges in exchange for her having his kid. By the end they were married and she was big-belly pregnant, I think the guy's last name was Vanak. I've searched the LC/TR archive thoroughly and it's not there. Any help would be appreciated.
  22. Oi, what have I done? Calm down, plsthnx. Okay, these are all valid points and ones that I must admit I totally failed to consider before posting. But now I have another question. As a test, I tried to add a new story, giving it a title, summary and category, but leaving the Disclaimer window blank. What this resulted in was that I could not create the story. Is this just a recent development to prevent people from not having disclaimers? Because if it's been there for a while, I'm not understanding how people can even creat a story if it prevents them from doing so while disclaimerless.
  23. Over the last few days, I've run into several stories that carry the "this story is hidden until it has been confirmed to meet the conditions of the site" header. According to the header, this is usually because the author forgot to add the required disclaimer. However, since many of these stories have been orphaned, abandoned, etc., is there some reason why the disclaimer cannot be added in by the admins? It would seem to me that if they have the ability to hide/delete/ban stories, then certainly they should be able to cut-and-paste a simple line of text into the story file itself.
  24. I've betaread some of my buddies fics over on FF.net, and what with all the typos here I figured I'd throw my hat into the beta reader ring. *tosses hat into beta reader ring*. My email is lunatics_fringe@yahoo.com, but if you're going to ask me to beta something, please put "Beta" in the subject field so I know what to look for.
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