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Sage of Discord

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Everything posted by Sage of Discord

  1. So I got an “AFF E-Mail Validation and Password Reset” email, text of “AFF is gearing up to come out of read only mode. For our valued members this means re-verifying your e-mail adress and resetting your password. We know this is a bit of a hassle but we want to make sure all user accounts are secure.” with some links. Would using this/these help at all, or only add more confusion to the system?
  2. So suppose there’s no solution? Somewhat disheartening, but as I’ve said before, very much a first world problem. 😕
  3. The stories and account were both deleted as far as I can tell. The profile is gone (attempting to log in does nothing), and searching for the stories through Google returns the ‘The dragons running the back end of the site can not seem to find the story you are looking for.’ message.
  4. Any news? I’m guessing not, but didn’t want to bug anyone over the holiday.
  5. That would have been around 07, 08 (when the ‘other’ account was created). I’m sorry to say I had a bad habit back then of just skimming most TOS.
  6. I’m also pretty sure this was way before the ‘no alts’ rule.
  7. Not sure why that would have happened, the ‘other’ account was part of a short-lived experiment in creating a second digital identity, with a different name, DOB, etc.
  8. Um, yes? That account is working fine (or at least is still there). But the one with this name (and I can’t believe I just thought to do this), the ID number for the now-missing account is 1296784739.
  9. I mean, this is almost the very definition of a first world problem, but it kinda stings, y’know? I actually had the first published Mass Effect fic on the site, and now that’s gone.
  10. I actually have two accounts, the other one is fine (seperate browsers though). Using what should be the address tied to this account (I PMed you) gets me "The e-mail you provided may not be registred or is registerd multiple times, please contact support or try registering", while trying the one from my other browser gets “Your password reset could not be completed due to a systems error, please contact the site admins.” FWIW, using Google to search reviews I know I’ve left has them under the name ANON.
  11. Exactly what it says on the tin. I haven’t actually logged into the site for a while (I’d usually have to try a few times for some reason, so I typically didn’t bother if I was just browsing), but tried to follow a direct link to my profile – https://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296784739 – which now says “Invalid Profile!”. Searching for my name returns “No Results found”, and I’m no longer in the Member Directory either. Have – have I been uncreated? O_O
  12. Hey @BronxWench and @DemonGoddess, it’s happening again as of 10 a.m. EST (approx cause it’s a little before 10) It seems to only be on the front page, as all my bookmarks for specific stories work and from them I can navigate the site no problem.
  13. Damn, didn’t see that coming. Nor did I see “the break-up” coming. Well done, J.
  14. Damn. Jack can’t catch a break. :/
  15. Well that is certainly a new wrinkle. O_O
  16. J, you’re knocking it out of the park with this update schedule. I highly approve! (though I do wonder when you sleep, eat, etc ^_^)
  17. Still the slow burn to the (hopefully) resolution of Jack & Kayla’s issue. Anticipation = building.
  18. Can’t believe I never thought to click this link before...I am filled with shame. Wonder what’s causing Kayla’s different attitude? Schoolwork burnout, unrevealed pregnancy scare, familiarity-bred contempt? Guess we’ll find out eventually...^_^
  19. Tried everything in that article (even refreshed Firefox, something I never do if I can help it) and nothing worked. Then I reset my password and for some reason that DID. O_o But thanks for the quick response. Tangent: is there no way to change our forum display name? Changed my pen name a while back and only just now realized I hadn't changed this one too.
  20. For about a week now I can’t log in to the site, which means I can’t leave reviews or work on my fics. Any idea what’s causing this? It’s across multiple browsers (Firefox & Opera).
  21. As I recall, Lightning had gotten hit by some kind of attack that gave her a dick, and Hope ‘helped’ it go away, but I don’t see it on the list of returns when searching for FD or HJ. Any clues?
  22. And now I’m staying logged in in-between sessions.^_^
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