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Everything posted by Lore

  1. Hiruma from Eyeshield 21! He's got demon ears, piercings, fire power to boot and goddamn I love that grin. YA HA! <3
  2. Perhaps I'm just too picky, but every now and then.. I'll run into a really, really great anime and BAM! Out of no where, a character from the series to do something that really screws up the whole show for me. A good case is Gurren Lagann. I enjoyed the constant bickering between Kamina and Yoko, but no where in there did I see affection aside from ' Oh snap! He's pretty cool in a retarded way!'. I was totally expecting the series to be lots of smashing, mechas and shark teeth. But noooo. Romance gets thrown in there from the left field and pegs me right in the side of the goddamn head. 8D So. What about you guys? Ever had a character ruin an anime for you?
  3. On 4chan's /y/, there's always been a rift between the bishie lovers and the bara lovers. Stuck in between are the poor normal guys and the shotas that get thrown in there by the more daring. So, my question to you all is: Do you prefer the pretty boys, the men, the guys or the little boys? And who do you pair them with? I've noticed that a lot of female yaoi fans like bishounen x bishounen, and a lot of guys go for bara x bara. I personally like them all in some forms, honestly. Take the pairing Zelos x Regal from Tales of Symphonia. Zelos is pretty much what one would consider a bishounen - pretty, long hair, thin build; Regal would be close to being bara, but not quite - he's very tall and quite muscled, but at the same time he has very feminine hair and a nice outfit. And here's the catch.. Zelos is the seme. For me, at least. And original pairing of mine happens to be bara x shota and the shota is pretty girly while his older counterpart ( the shota is a child form of another guy ) is pretty, but still masculine. -is shot for being longwinded-
  4. xD Can't really say I've experienced that. I'm really damn picky about things I eat, but I don't really use ziplocs all that often. :'3 The next time I do, though, I'll be sure to check for that.
  5. This is how I see it: Original writers - have both good and bad stories Fan fic writers - have both good and bad stories And in the end, that's all it really comes down to. I've read SO many awful original stories that it's not even funny, but I'm not judging original writers on a whole and saying they can't write for shit based on those that I've read. At the same time, I have a hard time finding really good fan fics - but they're definitely out there. If you're looking into a small fandom, be very prepared to get hit in the face with bad writing. ZelosxRegal gets no love and the few fics I've found for it have been so bad I want to cry. xD And if you're looking into a large fandom, be prepared to wade through shit to get to the best.
  6. Ah, I know those worries. My own story is still pretty much new, so it hasn't had much exposure yet and it worries me sometimes when people won't review as much as they read. End the end, though, I guess it doesn't really bother me too, too much. Yes, I'd like to know how I'm doing with pleasing those who read my work, but at least the numbers for hits are consistently going up, right? Readers can't be a bad thing! cx I really do hope you get some helpful reviews sometime soon, though. If you write yaoi/slash, I'll peek over it myself and see if I can help out any. I'm certainly not the best writer out there, but I'll help with what I can!
  7. I'm a virgin, but that doesn't make me any less of a pervert. :'3
  8. Yo! I'm Lore and another yaoi fan to add to the already massive ranks! Then again, you could call me the anti-fan. Bishies are great and all, but I do the worst to them. What do I do, you ask? I pair them with WELL BUILT MEN! -raises SWAT shield to defend self against the various objects being thrown- And even worse? .. I have them act like.. men! -raises shield again to block the whole house being thrown- xD Anyway! All extreme goofiness aside, I'm pretty laid back and always ready to chat. I'm a very social person, so you'll have to excuse me if I talk your ears ( or fingers! ) off. Anime, games, cooking and drawing are my passions. I'm not that amazing at drawing, but I'm a damn good chef! Not too big on the uber romance stuff, but I'm a total sucker for darker shades of love. Hell yeah for abusive fics! Break out the whips, cock rings and knives! We need more beaten up pretty boys with guns to their heads!
  9. Hi, everyone! I'm Lore and pretty new to AFF - not to writing, though. c: I've been roleplaying ( in paragraph style! ) and writing for about four years now. I think learning how to work with someone while they were writing has really wanted to get me started on betaing. I haven't seriously reviewed anything here at AFF yet, or anywhere, for that matter. Currently, though, I'm working on an original piece in slash at the moment. I have to admit it's certainly not my best work since I've been nervous writing for an audience, but it's a decent enough sample of what I'm capable of producing on my own. I apologize in advance, though, I'm sure this is going to come off as some crazy RPing ad, but I'm trying! xD I realize I won't be co-writing, just helping out, but some of what I'm going to say will probably make it sound like I don't know that. To make things clear, I am available for both original works and fanfictions. When I make my lists for the series I can beta for, I will list to the side the characters that I understand well and can keep in character if you need help with that. n__n So then! Let's make some pretty lists to make this nice and neat. Pros about Lore: -Available often -Will gladly offer advice when questioned about specific details -Fine with darker themes such as S&M, NC, torture and many fetishes -Is skilled with character depth -Quick reader -Pretty damn good at being a spellchecker -Specializes in characters with major phobias/social handicaps and keeping them that way ( or fixing them without it being too sudden ) -Is VERY picky about characters actually being IN CHARACTER! <- WARNING: Lore will nag at you endlessly for this if your characters from animes/games are OOC -Doesn't care if you have some era/religion/whatever details incorrect unless you WANT them to be correct -Incest is fine! As they say, 'Incest is best, put your family to the test!' -Blood doesn't scare this beta off! Cons about Lore: -Only works with gay/slash/yaoi/shota writings ( het and yuri can be splashed in as well, but I won't do purely het or yuri stories. ) -Semi-prone to nagging when a plot bunny is found -Gets bored easily with clear cut seme/uke stereotypes -Has strange grammar in a way but won't try to fix yours to match -Sometimes offers too much help <- WARNING: Throwing an underdeveloped character at Lore will usually result in Lore making multiple loose histories for them -Absolutely HATES random Japanese stuck into sentences when the rest of the fic is totally English <- WARNING: You will be bitched at for this unless it's just sound effect words -Tires quickly with 'OHNOES! I'M BEING RAEPD! .. BUT I LIEKZ IT!' stories -Will not read stories with full anthros/furries Series that Lore can Beta Fanfics for: Yu Yu Hakusho <- Specializing in Karasu, Kurama and more obscure characters Eyeshield 21 <- Currently specializing in Hiruma since I haven't finished watching it .hack <- Characters from SIGN to Twilight to ROOTS to GU are all good - Obscure characters are what I'm best at, but I can handle the mains Loveless <- I'll rewatch it to beta and fics for it. Haven't read the manga, though Hunter x Hunter <- Haven't finished, but if someone has a fic for it, I'll go through it again Tales of Symphonia/Legendia/the Abyss <- Regal, Zelos, Mithos, Yggdrasill, Jay, Moses, Jade, Dist, Peony and Guy are characters I deal well with. Phantasia's a no go for me, though. Never really got into the characters Kyou Kara Maou <- Haven't finished but will to beta Gunter is a topic of interest Saiyuki <- I've finished all but the last arc ( OVAs included ) but if there's details you really need, I'll finish that, too. I can really only handle the main four for this, the rest of the cast is sorta lost on me ( As a note: Holy christ! I'm used to BBCode sizes being things like 6~12, so I tried to use my normal size 9 font and I suddenly had a page full of GINORMUS letters screaming at me! )
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