Hi, everyone! I'm Lore and pretty new to AFF - not to writing, though. c: I've been roleplaying ( in paragraph style! ) and writing for about four years now. I think learning how to work with someone while they were writing has really wanted to get me started on betaing.
I haven't seriously reviewed anything here at AFF yet, or anywhere, for that matter. Currently, though, I'm working on an original piece in slash at the moment. I have to admit it's certainly not my best work since I've been nervous writing for an audience, but it's a decent enough sample of what I'm capable of producing on my own. I apologize in advance, though, I'm sure this is going to come off as some crazy RPing ad, but I'm trying! xD I realize I won't be co-writing, just helping out, but some of what I'm going to say will probably make it sound like I don't know that.
To make things clear, I am available for both original works and fanfictions. When I make my lists for the series I can beta for, I will list to the side the characters that I understand well and can keep in character if you need help with that.
n__n So then! Let's make some pretty lists to make this nice and neat.
Pros about Lore:
-Available often
-Will gladly offer advice when questioned about specific details
-Fine with darker themes such as S&M, NC, torture and many fetishes
-Is skilled with character depth
-Quick reader
-Pretty damn good at being a spellchecker
-Specializes in characters with major phobias/social handicaps and keeping them that way ( or fixing them without it being too sudden )
-Is VERY picky about characters actually being IN CHARACTER! <- WARNING: Lore will nag at you endlessly for this if your characters from animes/games are OOC
-Doesn't care if you have some era/religion/whatever details incorrect unless you WANT them to be correct
-Incest is fine! As they say, 'Incest is best, put your family to the test!'
-Blood doesn't scare this beta off!
Cons about Lore:
-Only works with gay/slash/yaoi/shota writings ( het and yuri can be splashed in as well, but I won't do purely het or yuri stories. )
-Semi-prone to nagging when a plot bunny is found
-Gets bored easily with clear cut seme/uke stereotypes
-Has strange grammar in a way but won't try to fix yours to match
-Sometimes offers too much help <- WARNING: Throwing an underdeveloped character at Lore will usually result in Lore making multiple loose histories for them
-Absolutely HATES random Japanese stuck into sentences when the rest of the fic is totally English <- WARNING: You will be bitched at for this unless it's just sound effect words
-Tires quickly with 'OHNOES! I'M BEING RAEPD! .. BUT I LIEKZ IT!' stories
-Will not read stories with full anthros/furries
Series that Lore can Beta Fanfics for:
Yu Yu Hakusho <- Specializing in Karasu, Kurama and more obscure characters
Eyeshield 21 <- Currently specializing in Hiruma since I haven't finished watching it
.hack <- Characters from SIGN to Twilight to ROOTS to GU are all good - Obscure characters are what I'm best at, but I can handle the mains
Loveless <- I'll rewatch it to beta and fics for it. Haven't read the manga, though
Hunter x Hunter <- Haven't finished, but if someone has a fic for it, I'll go through it again
Tales of Symphonia/Legendia/the Abyss <- Regal, Zelos, Mithos, Yggdrasill, Jay, Moses, Jade, Dist, Peony and Guy are characters I deal well with. Phantasia's a no go for me, though. Never really got into the characters
Kyou Kara Maou <- Haven't finished but will to beta Gunter is a topic of interest
Saiyuki <- I've finished all but the last arc ( OVAs included ) but if there's details you really need, I'll finish that, too. I can really only handle the main four for this, the rest of the cast is sorta lost on me
( As a note: Holy christ! I'm used to BBCode sizes being things like 6~12, so I tried to use my normal size 9 font and I suddenly had a page full of GINORMUS letters screaming at me! )