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Everything posted by Sablesilverrain

  1. Jan: Sorry for the long wait! I'll try to keep up with this, I just got distracted, and was out of meds. I can't help but focus on OPaW2, I've been meaning to write that one for YEARS, so it's really at the forefront of my mind right now. I don't mean to leave my Drarries for so long, but a new shining pairing, what can I say? Harry can't feel Draco's pain at the moment because Draco is keeping it from him. He's been trained in Occlumency, and he's better at it than Harry, so he's able to keep his own secrets better than Harry can. He doesn't want Harry to know how much he wants Harry to stay the way he is, because he doesn't want Harry to be unhappy with his life, even at the risk of his own unhappiness. It's just a mess right now. Talliane: Yes, someone will get hurt, but things will eventually turn out all right, you know me. I never leave an unhappy ending. Morningstorm70: I sent you an invite to my yahoo group, but I'm not sure if you joined or not. If not, just search for it. It's sablesfics.
  2. djaddict: I think you'll like this chapter, too. It's my current favorite, because preening. I'm a sucker for wing-related kinks now that I read Destiel. ^^' Talliane: Lucky for you, you don't have to worry about smelling like Talcum, haha. It would suck to be stuck smelling like something you hate, but as Faurae don't detect THEIR OWN scent, you'd only have to deal with it from siblings. I don't think we'll see Harry withholding sex in this story, but if I start to write the sequel I'm debating, I'll see if I can't work it in for you. It's still a maybe at this point, though. I'm not sure I'll be able to do it, since it will be darker than my usual fare. Maybe I'll go there, maybe I won't.
  3. Talliane: Well, AFTER class, really, but close enough, right? I'm glad you liked that, Draco and Harry's banter frequently makes me giggle. Seriously, I sound insane sometimes. Giggling at nothing. ^^' Hope this next chapter doesn't disappoint. Jan: Glad you liked it! The best thing about this chapter is that everyone is in agreement on this being cause for celebration, haha. It makes me happy to make my readers happy!
  4. Jan: Glad you liked it! That image wouldn't leave my head, so I had to write it. It thought it was cute, and it helped get across the fact that this foal is lively and still pretty young. She's not quite ready to separate from her parents just yet, but she will be soon enough. nari-chan: I live to please, so I'm glad you like this so much! Here, have a new chapter, because I've kept everybody waiting long enough. I have several chapters in reserve, so we're back to normal as far as my writing speed goes.
  5. Talliane: Yes, the weekend trip is next, followed by Lucius claiming Harry in a public place by slipping a dagger into the sheath Harry will be wearing, and then Harry has to either buy or make their wedding robes, and then they marry. So we're about half, maybe three-quarters of the way there. Of course, this story won't end until Voldemort bites it, so we still have a ways to go yet. Severus1snape: Thank you! I really have a soft spot for this chapter, but I have one more coming up that I actually like a bit better. Still, number two is a good spot to hold, all the same.
  6. Talliane: Haha, I know how you feel! Here you go, one more date, complete with a nice lip-lock! Hope you like it! (And yes, possessive!Lucius is my favorite!) AnonymousTigress: Yes, Severus is never happy to see marks on Harry, but at least Harry knows that he can come to Severus if Lucius pushes for too much. Severus just wants to make sure Harry's safe, even from Lucius if need be. Here's the next date and some kissing to boot! WOO-HOO! Severus1snape: Yes, they are. Always. I love them. nari-chan: There is much snogging in the future! And there are a few surprises in store, too. *wink* Jan: Glad I could provide an escape! Sounds like you've had a rough time. Here, have another dose of Harry/Luc. There be snogging! Tarcha: Well, I understand writer's block. Honestly, this story is only going so fast because I've been waiting to write it for YEARS, and never got the balls to actually start it until this plot bunny hit me. I've been meaning to write a Harry/Luc story for forever, and now that I finally have one, there are so many scenes I want to write that finding the ones that actually make the cut is kind of difficult. I see more of this pairing in my future...
  7. Severus1snape: Oh, what a relief! I thought I'd lost a bunch of people when I had to post weekly because of my medication issue. Glad to know you're still reading! Things are finally heating up, too. I have some nice surprises in store for the rest of this fic. And yes, Draco and Harry will always have that tendency to fight. Even if it's mostly in jest now. AnonymousTigress: Well, here's that scene for you, and thank you! I try to keep my stories unique, but there are already quite a few stories out there that incorporate some form of courting process and/or etiquette, so I tried to make mine as different from those I've already seen as I could, and I borrowed from a few different traditions to put it together. I think it turned out nicely, and Draco and Harry both seem to enjoy it. Talliane: Here's the massage scene, LOL. And Draco's just understanding that he's only getting what he asked for in regards to Harry and Luc. (I'm pretty sure we ALL like possessive!Luc.) nari-chan: Aw, thank you! I love you, too! Haha, here's the massage, hope it doesn't disappoint!
  8. Talliane: Well, good. Also, there is news regarding a certain upcoming event. Check your hex account for my owl. I have a feeling hex will end up just being my way to contact you directly. I think I've given up on actually using it, LOL. I just don't have all that much interest anymore. But that's okay, writing is more important to me anyway.
  9. Talliane: What the hell are you doing in my head?! Get out of there, I need to have SOME secrets from you! Seriously, though, that IS the plan. It'll come around the same time that he and Luc go on the weekend trip. He has to go pick up the Potter courting sheath, after all. So yes, that is in the plans.
  10. HalleyJoe: Glad you like it! Severus1snape: Heehee, I'm glad you thought so. The story is about to pick up. The next date is just a few more chapters out, if all goes according to plan. nari-chan: The date didn't get much explanation, but that's just because it's very hard to write dancing, and that's pretty much all they did. I got the important discussion in, and the rest was just small talk. Next date is the big one: kissing will be allowed soon! Talliane: I'm getting used to me meds again. They're still hitting me kind of hard, but the serotonin levels in my brain have definitely gone up, because for the last few days, I've been positively GIDDY! The downside? It's distracting. But I'll be back to writing up a storm soon. Tarcha: Next date is the last required one, and after it we can have kissing. Just a little longer before we get to the good stuff. Jan: I know the feeling, there are a lot of people whose updates are longer, but this size works for me so that I don't get overwhelmed. There will be more as soon as I can write it!
  11. staar: Well, Neville is pretty honest. He's not the type to hold back if he has something he feels should be said. Severus1snape: I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Neville, and it comes out in my writing. I see no problems with it. Jan: Haha, Ginny seems to be bringing out the best in him. Talliane: Glad you liked that. Lucius is pretty much as far from being a prude as it is possible to be. I should be able to get the next chapter ready in time to not miss a week... I'm six pages in, so here's to hoping! HalleyJoe: Glad you like it! Updates are generally weekly, but sometimes happen more frequently.
  12. Talliane: Oh, I will, trust me. It'll probably take me two or three days to claw my way out of the zombie-ish haze they induce at first, but once my hormones even out again, I'll be able to get back to churning out chapters at an almost alarming rate. Which will be good, since I've got one chapter left ATM. I'm working on chapter 27, but it's slow going. Hopefully I can finish it in time to keep up with my weekly posting, but... I honestly don't know if I can. Here's to hoping! Jan: There's some graphicness in this chapter, so hopefully you'll like that! Don't worry, there will be quite a bit more smut in this fic than there was in the last. I already have a few scenes written out, they're just waiting for me to get to that point and add them in. starr: Haha, yeah, Harry's the one most likely to induce mass hysteria by even HINTING about any plans of Dark-Lord-dom. Honestly, though, I don't see it happening. Although, I have been thinking about a possible sequel for this fic wherein such a thing could be a very real possibility... But I still don't know if I'll even write that fic at this point.
  13. Talliane: I'm better now, but things have been busier than normal. *sigh* I will be back on my meds soon, so that's at least a positive. The royals will be appearing soon. And I have more surprises in store when they do. Jan: Sorry for the extra-long wait! Things have been... Hectic, but they're calming down now, so the longer-than-normal waits SHOULD be over for now. I hope.
  14. djaddict: Thank you! Tarcha: He's falling faster than he thought he would. That's what happens when you let the right person in. Talliane: Haha, I totally agree. I'm working on getting there, but I came down with a cold, so... Bleah. The slow going has only gotten slower. Hopefully I'll be able to breathe through BOTH nostrils soon so I can get back to trying to get some more writing done. I just can't do it while feeling sub-par. -.-
  15. Tarcha: Well, with Draco living at Prince Manor now, that could be a bit difficult, but we'll see what I can do. djaddict; There's a few more chapters to go before the next date. Patience is a virtue... nari-chan: Here's more! Enjoy! Jan: I'm pretty certain Harry will be able to get Lucius into a pool at some point. Talliane: People seem interested in that, so there will be a scene of naked water play if it kills me, LOL. And, yes, keep quiet about the next date. That's just between you and me.
  16. Talliane: Oh, I hate the press, too, but Lucius has got a pretty good handle on our biggest problem: Rite Skeeter. I don't think Harry has to worry too much about her twisting his words. And yes, try to keep quiet about what I told you in regards to the next date, haha. I don't want people to get TOO hyped up about it before it's here, after all. Jan: Well, they don't have to get busy right away. They do have a little bit of time. staar: They will kiss, it's just taking a bit longer than I expected to get them to that point, is all. I'm working on it, though. Tarcha: They will. I'm not sure which chapter it is, but it's coming up. And, well, Lucius is the only one that really knows what's going on, and he's a bit reluctant to tell Harry what he found out. I have a feeling it'll be explained in the next three chapters, but it could be a bit further out than that. But it's soon, so don't worry. Severus1snape: Good to see you back! Yes, Harry wants a rather large family, but it seems that Lucius has no problem with that, so I think Harry's going to get his five kids. nari-chan: Haha, yes, he's a bad, bad man, but that's why we love him. Just wait until we get a bit further in the story, he's got no shame and no problem working around the rules when they don't suit his purpose. But, well, Harry doesn't seem to mind (and is egging him on), so I suppose it all works out for the best.
  17. Talliane: Thank you! This chapter has a little bit of bittersweetness to it, but we get to see that Lucius can be sweet when he wants to be. Jan: Haha, yes. I've always liked Ginny/Neville. I think they suit each other. djaddict: Harry isn't too worried about pregnancy at this point. It's not like he and Lucius can really DO anything yet, after all. And yes, I want them to get kissing, too. nari-chan: Oh, I plan to.
  18. Talliane: You're too perceptive for your own good, LOL. But I'm sure you know that already. Jan: Yes, but he really didn't mean for it to end up common knowledge. He just made a small mistake. We all do that at some point. DinaTheCat: Harry's not too terribly upset about it. After all, if Voldemort hadn't found out, what are the chances he and Lucius ever would have started courting? djaddict: Haha, there's something to be said about bloodthirstiness, of course, but don't let it get out of hand. Keep in mind, Colin didn't know that Parvati's sister would blab to the other Ravenclaws she knew, though it might have been obvious that Parvati wouldn't keep a secret from her twin.
  19. Jan: Of course I included their conversation. How could I justify not adding it in? Severus is concerned (with good reason) about Lucius pushing the rules, and he has to make it known. Unfortunately for him, Lucius is going to continue stretching the rules, and it only gets worse from here. The poor man may just pop a blood vessel if he finds out what else they get up to.
  20. Talliane: LOL, yes it is. Poor Draco, having to show more skin than usual. But we all know he'll do it for Harry. And yes, Severus should know that Harry loves him, but the way he sees it is "if Harry loved him, he'd be happy staying the way he is." He doesn't see that Harry has to exhaust every option to settle his own mind. Jan: He's going to try to get back to normal, just a warning. You'll see how it all turns out in the end, I've already got the epilogue written. We'll get there eventually. djaddict: Yes, stupid Harry for trying and poor Draco if it works when all is said and done. If you hope really hard that it'll all work out in the end, maybe we can come to an agreement. The Gods will hear you pleas, and they talk to me, you see... Tarcha: Yes, it did. This next chapter doesn't really end any better. But don't worry, you know me, the angst won't last forever (or will it?). Katrina: I've heard your words, and your voice has compelled me to comply. That, and I realized just how long this one has gone without an update. Oopsie!
  21. Jan: Well, I certainly think so. Hope you like this next chapter! Severus1snape: Two more dates to go! Well, one more, since kissing is allowed on the last date, they just have to be halfway done with it before they can kiss. We're getting there. Slowly but surely. Talliane: Haha, I think my parents know I'm not a virgin. My son is living proof. Oh, wait, immaculate conception, my bad. LOL. Poor Draco. He's going to have to face the fact that his father has a sex life when Harry ends up pregnant. Sadly, this fic probably won't see that situation. Although... Maybe it WILL. We'll see.
  22. Tarcha: LOL. I'm working on it, trust me. I've gotten to date number three so far (which I have a feeling Harry is really going to like), so don't worry, we'll get to the kissing in due time. There's a lot of stuff going on, so you may have to be patient a while longer. Trust me, it'll be worth it. staar: Yes, aren't we all? I think I may have too much going on in this story, but that's the way it's got to be. Severus1snape: Here's some more! Jan: I know how you feel, they happen to be my favorite pairing (I just couldn't work out a good way for them to get together until now). Here's the requested update! Talliane: I know, right? Haha. I love the end the best. Harry's whole "I'm-not-speaking-to-you-because-you-called-it-a-crush" to Hermione. It's not a crush, after all. It's True Love. They just can't know it yet, is all.
  23. staar: Of course they will! If they didn't, this fic wouldn't be in this section, now would it? Haha. Draco's just making sure his father's in good hands. Draco and Luc are close, and with Narcissa gone, all they really have is each other, so they watch each other's backs when necessary. Tarcha: That doesn't come up until later, but you will find out more about the shared dream EVENTUALLY. Lucius just overlooks it at first, but after a while, he gets curious, and goes looking for answers, which he finds. nari-chan: I understand, these things sometimes happen. Glad you're liking it so much! There's plenty more to come. (I daresay this fic will end up longer than OPaW by the time all is said and done.) Jan: Yes, well, that's part and parcel of being the Boy-Who-Lived, but Lucius is going to help him with that. He'll get his privacy for a little while, at least. Talliane: Yes, Draco can be a bit overprotective, but he just needs to make sure that Lucius isn't leaving himself open to pain that he doesn't deserve. Because he's really going all-out for Harry, and Draco can see that he might be a bit more invested in the courtship than it looked like at first. Niffler: Ah, hi! Glad I compelled you to review, it's always nice to see a new name pop up! Don't worry, I understand Lurking, I do it myself quite a bit. I'm glad you're enjoying this, and I hope it continues to be good for you!
  24. Severus1snape: Oops! I went in and fixed that. That's what I get for having parts of the chapter pre-written, I get a little scatterbrained and forget the niceties. So yeah, thanks for pointing that out. And yes, Luc is kinda oblivious to how Harry already feels, but he'll get the message eventually. Mar: I usually update every week, sometimes more often, so don't worry, updates are pretty frequent for this fic. staar: Yes, they are, all they have to do is put some effort into it. Lucius especially has to learn that being vulnerable emotionally is not the end of the world. Jan: Don't we all? Well, you know how I feel about my happy endings, so don't worry too much. Things will work out, it's just a matter of when. Tarcha: Yes, the whole "magic compatibilty" issue has been mentioned a few times before (in the first fic it gets explained a bit better), and it will come up again, a few times. Luc will be worse than just a tease in this fic, he's a dirty, dirty flirt (and a bit hands-on, but I think that can be forgiven), but I don't think Harry's really going to complain all that much. Honestly, who would? Talliane: Luc is really trying to do whatever it takes to prove to Harry that he can take care of him in every way. Ensuring his privacy for the rest of his school years is one way to do that, and he's aware that it's something Harry will really appreciate.
  25. staar: Don't worry, I will never abandon a fic. I still have plans to finish all my older stories that never got finished. I just may take a while in between updates, that's all. I'm sorry this one is taking so long, but I promise it WILL be finished. Eventually. djaddict: Well, that would solve things, but she'll be there. If only to see how Harry and Draco act and fume, creating friction in the house. Can't have everything being all happy sappy, now can I? (Well, I could, but where would be the fun in that?) Vrey: Sorry it took so long! I got distracted! AJPicard: Well, since you asked so very nicely...
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