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Everything posted by SummerRayne
I am the best writer in this forum.
Uh, not guilty. G/NG: Has plagerised?
Can I start it up? I have a begining of a story that I think would be cool to see were it goes. Or should it be the person who started this topic that starts it? I don't wanna over-step my writing bounds. :-D
I really see were your coming from Aldatariel. Thanks for the insights.
I would just like to add that I'm not trying to diss or dismiss fan-fiction and it's writer's in anyway. But Riku, to me, has such a compelling argument against it that the creator in me must agree with some of it. But I don't think that this is because of fanfiction... I guess I would have to think about the topic more.
Good for you aldatariel. Writing is like a marriage to me, fan-fic, or not, I have to stick with it for better or for worse. Your passion about the topic reminds me of my favorite quote said by another writer: "Real writers write through all kinds of interruptions and distractions. Sometimes they write because of them. Real writers write in all kinds of inauspicious circumstances, in sickness and in health-sort of like being marred. They write because they have no choice. For them, writing until they reach the moment when the story comes together turns out to be its own reward-even if no one else ever reads a word they've written." -J.A Jance in the magazine, "The Writer" I'm still a bit puzzeled on what you said about HAVING to write fan-fiction: "I write fanfic because I have to and can't stop it, nothing less, nothing more." I can understand that about writing in general, but what would pocess a person to HAVE to write fan-fiction. Did an anime, book, manga, or movie really inspire you and touch you in a way that gives you the need to tell your own personal story with these characters? For myself, Sailor Moon is and anime that got me from an extremely dark period in my life in my early teams. That little anime girl taught me that different can mean beautiful and awkward can equal success. So, is it more just for fun for you or does the writing just move you so that you have to get it out? Yes, being original would be "a bit more work", but isn't it worth it? Or is fan-fiction also worth the effort and work you put in?
I absolutely agree with you Riku. I only use the original section of aff, myself, but while there are fewer and fewer good online writers, I noticed there are some really good critiques on this site. Alot of you guys seem SO smart and your insights into stories can be truly beautiful. While I am a person that loves goodreviews, "omg sexy but why is there a plot?" and "UPDAYTE PLZ" does not fall into the category 'good'. I also agree with your idea that alot of the writing is way out of character, but i can also respect the fact that writing can and SHOULD be a fun experience. So, if you want to put yourself in a story or make all the guy characters fall in love with each other that's completely up to you. There are really good writers here that put up orignial and non-original stories on aff, you just have to dig deep for them. There's also ALOT of diamonds in the rough that just need to be polished. I can remember reading one story that made me sick. The grammar and spelling was so bad you would never be able to get passed the first sentence. >.< Even though I've been called a good writer, I have no fics. I did alot when I was younger, but as I grow older I find the need to express myself through my own means. And to madlodger who asked "Why are you interested in fanfic writers?" Well, this IS adultFANFICTION.net forums so of course I'm interested in fan-fic writers and their writing and what motivates them to do it. No one would be a member, at least I would think, if they weren't a little bit interested and curious. So, that's why I asked the question. To get in the minds of other writers/readers like myself. :-D
That you would never tell anyone you know "in real life". But don't care if people you don't know, like all of use happy people in this forum, will find out. Mine? I cheated on my finance twice before I became his finance. Of course I keep it in my pants now. What's yours?
Breathe by Michelle Branch
Write! Write about ANYTHING! Write about how your dog is scratching his butt on the carpet, write about how that guy didn't call, write about how that relative just died. Write on napkins,(Because Harry Potter was conceived on one and we all know how that series made a generation of kids put down the remote and crack open a book)write on the palm of your hand just do it. Because you can be damn sure that writer's who breathe to write will never stop doing it, so why should you let them have all the fun. :-D "Real writers write through all kinds of interruptions and distractions. Sometimes they write because of them. Real writers write in all kinds of inauspicious circumstances, in sickness and in health-sort of like being marred. They write because they have no choice. For them, writing until they reach the moment when the story comes together turns out to be its own reward-even if no one else ever reads a word they've written." -J.A Jance in the magazine, "The Writer" Anyone beg to differ on my advice?
OK you know what I just realized is wrong with the plot of this story? The initial plot is that women who have had their first period are the ones that need to be raped by relatives, BUT the father rapes his FOUR yr old daughter. Are we supposed to really believe that a four yr old has had her first period when she's just learned to walk, pee by herself, and eat solid food. I didn't get mine till 15...so unrealistic....
LOL! Yes, it is extremely sick. BUT in it's "defense"(for lack of a better word) it is an original idea. Never heard of anything like that crap. lol /).(\ *hides underneath a rock*
Questions that maybe you can or cannot answer in reply: Would you feel flattered or angry if someone twisted the plots and character's personalities in ways you did or did not want them to? Are fan-fic authors "fake writers" who are just not creative or good enough to write their own best-selling original ideas? Maybe their scared of rejection of their own ideas? Do original fan-fics even exist anymore? Do original story ideas? Do original authors? Why do you write fan-fics? Why do you read them? Are fan-fics without the writers consent wrong? Do fan-fics stop writers from coming up with their own original characters and story lines? And if they don't, do you find authors basing their story lines more and more on their fav animes, shows, and books instead coming up with their own ideas? OK, ready, set, STATE YOUR OPINION!!!!
DON'T STEAL MY FIC IDEA :-P The first chapter is written for the most part. This is a Peach Girl fan fic. Peach Girl is not my manga it is written by Miwa Ueda. Sae after some thought on why she is so terrible to Momo realizes that she loves Momo and must keep her alone since she can't have her.
* How many years have you worked as a beta? I have worked critiquing and editing different writing pieces as a non-profit hobby for two years. Sometimes I will even exchange pieces for comparisons and uses for examples. * In which capacities have you served as a beta? I can help with spelling, grammar (I am a journalism and writing arts major. I will not steer you wrong in this area), suggestions with plot lines, and how to make the overall structure of your writing more professional and original. I probably will not help with all of these aspects on just one piece because then I believe it will make the piece more my work or art than yours. * Which types of potentially objectionable content have you beta'd for? I've beta'd for a friends' writing pieces that contained Abuse, BDSM, Bi, BOND, CBT, DOM, M/M(and Yaoi), Humil, Minor, Non-Consent, S&M, Shouta, Spanking, Tort, and of course Violence. So, I do not discriminate in story plot lines. I even will read Mary-Sues and all of your drama and romance ideas. All definitions for these ratings can be found at adult-fanfiction.org rating definitions. * Is there any type of work you haven't beta'd for but are willing to accept? (Capacities, objectionable content). Bestiality? lol * Are there any specific areas in which you would not be willing to beta? Bestiality? lol No, I'm just kidding. Maybe if you're raping, torturing, and killing two year olds you've taken your story too far. I will not read anything like that. * What are your personal boundaries as a beta? You will have to understand that I'm not only your personal beta. Also, I'm married. I'm cute. I have a life so, I will not be at your beck and call. I WILL get back to you in a very timely fashion or if you give me a deadline WITHIN reason. * What are your weaknesses when it comes to beta work? Well, even I make some grammar and spelling typos. Besides this, I can't really think of anything. I'm not conceited, but I've actually taken classes on the subject at Penn State University were I attend and have been told that I'm quite good at editing. * How do you tend to interact with an author when doing beta work? That is entirely up to the writer. When you first contact me we will sort out exactly how hands on and "in yo face" you would like me to be. :-D * Can you determine an average speed when it comes to performing beta work? Depends on length. A whole novel: A few days to a few weeks depending on depth of the work and length of the novel. Shorter works: Anything from one day to a few days. * For which fandoms have you worked? Which fandoms do you frequent? Do you consider yourself well-versed on any specific characters? I don't stick to any particular fandom. If I know nothing about your particular work I will suggest you get another beta. I can especially do romantic comedy anime fics well, also, Buffy fics, and Harry Potter fics. I like doing original works also. * Have you done any unusual beta work in the past? Actually, no. I've been on hiatus a several months while getting married. * Do you have any quirks when it comes to beta work? I put little comments in to piece. Most find them funny and entertaining. Just little things that I think about the characters, setting, characterization, plot lines, plot twists, etc. * Is there anything else that you'd like to include here? Pick me! Pick me! :-D
Read the full story about how I feel my mother by looking up SummerRayne on aff. This is a completely original story. Give me reviews about how it can improve and tell me if you like it by rating. Thank you very much. I killed my mother October 9, 2005 just thirteen days before my 19th birthday. In reality, my plan to carry her death out began much earlier than that. It was the summer of my ninth year.....I can remember running up the stairs with tear stained cheeks thinking: I wish she was dead! I really mean it! Please, God kill my mother! Little did I know then that my mother was in fact showing how much she loved and cared about me. Not only did I learn that, but I also learned that God was a genie in the sky that granted wishes when you least expected him too.
Write! Write about ANYTHING! Write about how your dog is scratching his butt on the carpet, write about how that guy didn't call, write about how that relative just died. Write on napkins,(Because Harry Potter was conceived on one and we all know how that series made a generation of kids put down the remote and crack open a book)write on the palm of your hand just do it. Because you can be damn sure that writer's who breathe to write will never stop doing it, so why should you let them have all the fun. :-D "Real writers write through all kinds of interruptions and distractions. Sometimes they write because of them. Real writers write in all kinds of inauspicious circumstances, in sickness and in health-sort of like being marred. They write because they have no choice. For them, writing until they reach the moment when the story comes together turns out to be its own reward-even if no one else ever reads a word they've written." -J.A Jance in the magazine, "The Writer"