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Everything posted by SummerRayne

  1. Catagory name: PEACH GIRL Section catagory to be in: ANIME Do you have any stories for it?: YESSSSS!!!!!!! Catagory name: I also agree with the Absolute Boyfriend category Section catagory to be in: Anime, NOT comics Do you have any stories for it?: I'll write them if you make the category, but no
  2. uh you have to continue the guilty not guilty questions Zyx
  3. I hope the best for you too, but as a girl I feel I should that just cause it looks like we're flirting, an we're acting like we're flirting, and we ARE in fact flirting it doesn't mean anything with SOME girls. Girls don't make sense. I think Chris Rock said that that's the main difference between men and women. SOME Women don't let something stupid as logic get in the way of living their life sometimes. I would like the time to note that I'm in no way putting all my ladies into the world into a bitchy category cause a lot of them also are very intelligent and capable of making perfect sense. I'm curious about how everything ended up. Almost like you were telling you're own story and I'm waiting patiently for the next chapter. Hope everything turned out well.
  4. I absolutely agree here, Ginevra.
  5. I didn't mean for everyone to tank the J.K example so literally. lol It was just so you would get the idea of what I was asking about.
  6. Zodiac
  7. Thank god there are sane people in the forum like you Agaib because Zyx was seriously making my head hurt. AND FOR THE RECORD: I AM THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, Zyx.
  8. Religion is serious business, but only because of the people that have a "Believe what I believe or die" attitude. SO, with that said I think...writing is serious business.
  9. Zyx, you seem like you just don't like anyone who doesn't have the same view(s) as you. And if my 'I don't care' attitude make me anything, it makes me intelligent for not agreeing with every Tom, Dick, and Zyx that posts his opinion in a forum and chastises people for not agreeing with them.
  10. "Deadlines" is something every writer has to deal with. To me it seems you think that writing is actually "work" to me. But any kind of writing to me is just fun. Every job has deadlines and responsibilities, writing fields are no different. I know that writing is work. There's nothing idealistic about being a journalist, but I enjoy a hearty search for the truth and being as sort of watchdog for the government. However, I think you could say all the stuff your saying about college students idealizing their perfect job after college about anything. Cause every job is stressful even being a cafeteria worker. It's how you deal with the stress that sets you apart.
  11. Basket
  12. I think "hating" someone for their beliefs is sorta the reason that breeds ignorance. I wonder if you were one of the people that voted for George Bush with your views on hating people for their beliefs??? Anyway, hating someone you don't know because they believe in God is serious business.
  13. Definitely NG, but I would choose pokemon over this universe. lol G/NG: You've obsessed over a non-celebrity person.
  14. OMG! Severus! Draco meant nothing to me I swear!
  15. Actually I am a student, but I won't start up my junior year till next fall. I'm not currently enrolled write now. So, no it's not homework. I just wanted to make a interesting subject that writers could intelligently debate back and forth. A lot, of my friends write and read fan-fics A LOT and they always literally made me read them even though I was always more interested in their original work. Often they would delay the stuff that I really wanted to read that was their work for these anime, harry potter, and vampire fan-fics. And I was always like, "Well, what the hell would make a writer focus on someone else's work more than their own?" Well, as for the professor question: I am not a writing arts or creative writing major. I wish I could be, but I just don't see myself getting a job in those fields as quickly as I could get a job in my actual major. I need to pay my bills while writing. lol I am a journalism major. So there's only truth and facts and integrity as topics on my professors brains. So, to answer your question madloger no this isn't a homework assignment for me. I wish it was though. I like school.
  16. For example, I'll use J.K Rowling since she is so popular you would have to have lived under a rock since 1986 to not know who she is. If you were the creator of Harry Potter and say a Christian book publisher wanted to publish the story would you change Hogwarts to a Christian school and Voldemort to a Lucifer type character?
  17. I think God is serious business...and being a ninja.
  18. SummerRayne

    I Am...

    I am drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nah, I'm kidding lol. I am eating pizza hut, watching a model show, and wishing I was as skinny as these bitches, which makes me remember the days that I wouldn't eat when I was 98lbs because I thought people who were 100lbs were fat pigs.....
  19. I have a love child with my lover Draco Malfoy, but my husband Severus Snape can never find out.
  20. GUILTY!!!!!! As long as I could bring my husband. G/NG: Has or ever had an eating disorder?
  21. Bunny
  22. a nymphomaniac that
  23. I guess that's where we have to agree to disagree. Because I believe you do own it. So....just call me a bastard then LOL I don't mind...been called worse. Haha.
  24. I also love Shark Boy from the Shark Boy and Lava Girl Movie *sigh* if only I was about 14yrs old again...lol
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