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Everything posted by SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt
MalexMale Poll
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt's topic in Writers' Corner
Exactly!No one is ever freaking safe from such nonsense bull-beep- stuff! There is always this one person that will do something so stupid by flaming something they don't enjoy! Why would you read it! See it makes my point even bigger! -
Lines you're particularly fond of
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to Jadwin's topic in Writers' Corner
This is what I took from a story I just recently finished reading! It's called Labor to Love and it's freaking hilarious! Look! It's from Naruto fandom and it's about Sasuke buying a slave demon named Kyuubi(or Naruto) and how that certain slave keeps taunting his owner. Sasuke bought the slave for his father to work so now when Sasuke just had bought Naruto, our favorite blonde decides to mess with our favorite teme! Wasn't I right???/Huh Huh! Lmao Bear Scouts! This one here's from my own story! Me challenging myself in doing a parody! If you get a chance read it! It's called Naruto Guy: A Parody! It's only a one-shot and it makes you feel all happy giggly like so give it a read! Here's the first paragraph and it's already funny! Lmao I said Sasuke was spawned! -
Lubb the pairing and it doesn't matter to me who tops because as long as the author makes the story good and it draws you in! ALSO, if it can make sense and it's a story that you bite your nails off too much! XD yes it happens!
Where do you get your ideas from?
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to Solaris's topic in Writers' Corner
A whole bunch of things can trigger ideas for me! For example, I could be taking the train home and see a couple being all mush and stuff but then I decide to think about how their relationship might be. Then try to fuse it with the fandom I usually write in *coughnarutocough* and then try to compare what I'm seeing to the actions the character might do! Another thing can be about a personal life story. A time in my life where there is like a tragedy or something! I would write about it. I usually connect with things that I see to whatever I decide to write. A whole lot of things inspire me, but I'm really lazy right now just to start typing them out!XD(its a long list!) -
What month were you born?
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to ZombieDuke's topic in Aimless Babble
I'm a summa babii so yeah....Born in August! -
AWWW that sucks! You know absolutely nothing? Are you sure????Then if you ever attempt it ask me to help ya!XD I gotcha back!
I've seen a lot of useless flames and it really annoys me to no end! Why would you read a story or even review a story if you knew it was going to be based on a homosexual couple. I've seen so many nasty reviews before based on hate towards the gay community. I personally enjoy them and don't like even calling them a fag or stuff like that because I have the decency to know they are still people. They are only people who like their own gender! BIG DEAL! It may seem wrong to many people but that's your problem to deal with. I am sick and tired of seeing reviews like: "Ewwwwww, I hate yaoi/malexmale/homosexual couples! It's so -beeping- nasty! Why would you write -beep- like this!?" It gets worse people! I can't believe so much hate that is towards the gay community/Fanfic's/Original Stories! It disgusts me! I'm not gay/lesbian but I can understand what it is! People, please! Think for once and try and say-"Oh my god! They are people too! Why am I flaming this person just for writing a story! It's not real but I'm stressing the fact out!" I wrote a story once and I got this really mean review! That person said that why would I post up stuff like that, and we should be banned for posting crap like this! I was so angry! I write Naruto Fanfiction and it's not real so why make the issue such a big deal for? I also have some original fic's but flames still come and I am like- "OH MY GOD! THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO LIFE!" I mean c'mon! Grow up. IF YOU AGREE WITH ME STAND UP! *I stand up* Who else will too? Allison AKA Pepsi-chan
Poke the Peron Below You!
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to SilverFox-chan's topic in Forum Games
*IT BURNS! CRAPTASTIC! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO EXPLAIN SFC TO MY BOYFRIEND! Nice....now I have to lie. Gracias......* *pokes person below her with a neon green vibrating dildo* -
O0o0ooo I do but it's mad stupid and I love it so even though it sounds oh so wrong! XD here it goes! "Pee,Pee! Pee Pee Vagina!" 0_o??????Guess and heres a hint! -The movie is supposedly "scary" but it's a comedy instead.
True, True!
Which do you prefer to READ and WRITE?
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to Kanashii's topic in Writers' Corner
Bumma(I intentionally spelled it that way so ya! For anyone who cares about grammar!) -
That really sucks...for real...I mean at least for like some stories I would get two or three but damn........people are so unsensitive! not fair!
Okay this will be my first collab ever but I want to give it a shot and challenge myself with this! I want a partner in crime to help me create this idea anc make it come to life!I want a co-writer that I can be able to keep in contact with at all time(my schedule is crazy), I need them to at least to talk to me so we can become aqquanted! ALSO, I need all ideas that you have to offer me! I am working on a story that involves the High School universe and it's for Naruto fandom. It's going to SasuNaru/NaruSasu since I don't care who tops who even though I am prefer NaruSasu for many reasons(but I'm not getting into this now). I'm a little rough in the plot so bare with me here(I'm still a noob). Also I haven't started this story at all! So we'll have a fresh start together. Well, it starts off with Sasuke explaining how he had this custom made Ipod his brother had made and it' called(Need help with the name so no name). He explains the different features it has, its capabillity, and how it looks like. I need help with all that. One day while on the train ride home from school he had left his Ipod on the train leaving Naruto to find it later. Naruto finding this spectacular Ipod wants to know who had made it since he's never seen one like it before. Unlike other people he is determined to find the so called owner of the Ipod. This is practically impossible for him so he just decides to keep it for himself and see what kinds of songs are stored in the Ipod. Unknown to both Naruto and Sasuke they go to the same school.(I don't wanna name it Konoha High so I need to think of a name). Eventually Sasuke gave up on his search for his missing Ipod. Now he is alone with nothing to remember his dead brother by. He lives by himself in a one bedroom apartment since his parents dies when he was younger and Itachi took care of him. Somehow he struck a deal with the owner/manager of the building Kakashi and lives in the apartment at very low costs. Sasuke being int he stump he is feel like total crap and would do anything to get his Ipod back. Naruto is joyed to have a new Ipod and struts around school showing off. Later when he returns home he mopes thinking about the death of his father. He never knew his mother so he couldn't really grieve over her loss but he still cryed for her soul. He then makes his way back to school remembering that he left his math textbook. Sasuke returns to the school since he had forgotten to see the counciler. They constantly wanted to see him. He was making his way past the Math room when he saw a mop of blonde hair belonging to the soccer captain. Naruto exiting the classroom noticing the raven haired boy standing there staring at his Ipod. Unknowing to Naruto he justs tell the raven "It's sexy isn't it" When Sasuke heard these lines he punched the captain square in the face. Right then and there the counciler Iruka Umino decides to show up and witness the clash between two deeply depressed teens. OKAY... this is all I got so far so deal with it! It's a slash story with yaoi of course and w/e I decide to throw in there later on! Maybe some bang bang if needed! XD! So either you can email, PM, or just leave a response to my thread! I need a partner for this who I can rely on and talk to almost everyday with things about this story(but not EVERY day though just like responsible enough to respond to me!). Also thanks for taking the time to read this. It might have some grammar mistakes but oh well because I wrote it in a hurry! Pepsi-chan AKA Allison
Actually it's a problem with both NaruSasu and SasuNaru to me. For SasuNaru, Sasuke is usually just well him or overly OOC as Naruto would be too girly. NaruSasu is the same thing as you said but there is some stories that I have read(and written myself) where they are usually both equal. I don't really care who's on top but it depends on how you set the mood of the story to lean towards. It goes beyond NaruSasu pairings! It's almost all seme/uke labeled pairing that are causing this problem. So what exactly is the deal with over characterizing these two anime characters and making them what there not. Stick to the facts even if you are writing an AU story. I know that for a fact people are baised in these types of things and tend not to listen but I'm just writing this to prove my point it's bad either side. SasuNaru has just as much with this issue as NaruSasu does. Pepsi-chan AKA Allison
Pairings that you want to see but can never find
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to frostbite02's topic in Writers' Corner
I feel for ya....It happens all the time to me! XD it's like the couples we think of are impossible to find until like somebody had the guts enough to write a story based on that couple but you just can't wait! Pepsi-chan AKA Allison -
I feel vivilover69's pain on the review thing...snifff.....I know a story but I'll find it later....
I don't feel appreciated when that happens. Y'know you work hard on a story to please readers and then you hardly get any reviews. Also the stories that do get reviews are the best stories on AFF.net, FF.net or w/e your on. It's usually based on how popular the story is and how popular the author is. Not everyone is equal but that doesn't mean people shouldn't review your stories. It's not fair when I write a decent chapter and get five reviews for it! I would like to know how the reader feels about it! Even drop a note you read the damned story! I like to get reviews because it fuels my need to continue the story and try to make an effort to make it better. People don't realize that we would like to see how the readers felt once in a while. I'm not saying to over due it but just to leave a small note on how you felt the chapter was or how that they might think to improve your story. These are just my thoughts though sooo.... Pepsi-chan AKA Allison
OMFG it's so annoying when people don't leave actuall review on how they feel on the story not just: "OMG IT'S SO GREAT PLEASE UPDATE!" That's bull! Also I would like criticism once in a while and some intellectual tips since I am sort of a noob still! So I hate it when they don't actually say what they like, what they hate, or even how they felt on the begining or plot!Is it so hard to do that because if it is..... OMG.
Slashers ... how did you start?
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to teeta's topic in Writers' Corner
Okay.....let's get one thing straight.....I love slash! Lmao! I first started liking slash pairing when I saw this video on youtube supporting a Naruto yaoi(malexmale) couple called NaruSasu. It's basically Naruto(main character) and Sasuke(emo secondary/main characeter). I thought it was so cute to see these two together and how adorable the anime would be with this couple, but alas......Masashi Kishimoto(Creator) apparently prefer's Sakura(Naruto's crush, I hate her she's useless). Sheesh! Then why he puts so much hints between these two!HUH? Also, why is Naruto trying to find Sasuke! I don't just think his only reason is to bring him back to Konoha and love him as a "brother!" I love that pairing! Not SasuNaru all too much because they make Naruto a bit to girly of a uke and I don't like it all too much. HE ISN'T THAT GIRLY! HE'S NOT GIRLY BECAUSE A GIRL PLAYS HIS CHARACTER~ See NaruSasu is Naruto as seme(guy on top) and Sasuke as uke(guy on bottom!). Pepsi-Chan AKA Allison -
Which do you prefer to READ and WRITE?
SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt replied to Kanashii's topic in Writers' Corner
I don't really think it matters as long as it can draw the reader in. I would read anything that can put you on the edge of your seat and write anything that can melt your eyes out. I think it depends on how the author would portray their own story and how it's presented. Pepsi-chan AKA Allison -
I hate when that happens! It bugs me to no end especially since when I'm done writing and it's gone.......I won't remember what I wrote! XD so much for me being top of the class!
I think it would be a great idea because I know for a fact that people enjory reading crack pairing more than almost anything! For me I love to read cracktastical stories with comedy in them and even throw in some random humpings!(LMAO not seriously) Also, it might be fun to write crack pairing once in a while to let out all that excess emo bagging inside of you! Lmao! GO FOR IT! Pepsi-chan AKA Allison
I need a beta for multiple stories but I need just one for now! It's a new story I'm working and and also wanting to make a collaboration with someone on this idea but the collaboration forum thingy won't let me!*Pouts* So I'm just gonna ask for a beta for now. -Naruto Fandom -Naruto,Sasuke, -Lemons, Yaoi, Het, Yuri, Character Bashing, Couple Bashing, Explicit content, Cussing, NC-17, and bad grammar sometimes.Story is also not started(looking for partner) -I would like them to correct my bad grammar for one!(I'm a grammar nazi at times) Also, if I need like parts of the story done just in case I can't figure out what to do in a particular area. Lastly, I will ask sometimes to help with Lemons just for the fun of it! THANKS FOR TAKING YOUR TIME! You need a hug if I did waste it and you feel all emo! So here! XD ALSOOOOO, you could email me, PM me, and or reply to this thread! Pepsi-chan AKA Allison
There's two that I will be promoting(they belong to me) and I just want to know what you think about both of them!(I haven't fixed my grammar and my beta isn't that great even thought she does the job!) Here's the first: Title: The Moon's Diary Author: SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt Rating:PG13-NC/17 Summary:The Uchiha's used to be a happy family till the day they were all dead corpses in body bags. How come they never found Uchiha Itachi's body, and his younger brother Sasuke?Yaoi/Het/Cussing/Suicide attempt/Dark(this is all later on) Feedback:DESIRED,WANTED,NEEDED GREATLY! (it motivates me when you review!) Fandom:Naruto URL:http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093975 Thanks for taking your time! Pepsi AKA Allison Here's the second story: Title: Happy Times with Uchiha Sasuke Author:SasUke PepSi aDvErTiZeMeNt Rating:G-NC/17 Summary:Uchiha Sasuke was only cleaning out his home when he found an old stack of photos containing the "Happy Times" in his life. Will he be able to forget what has happened in the past and look forward to his future with his daughter?(Yaoi, Het,Future:Sexual Situations, Suicide attempt, dark themes, Cussing, explicit content and NOT BETA'D..) Feedback:ULTIMATELY DESIRED! (It fuels me!) Fandom:Naruto URL:http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094608 Thanks for taking your busy time to read this and hopefully check both stories out!It'll totally depress me if I wasted your time if I suggested you to read one of my stories.....BUT I APPLAUD YOU ANYWAY FOR TAKING A GLANCE! Pepsi-chan aka Allison
I SOOOO TOTALLY AGREE! It's true of what you're saying because it's basically impossible for you to contact any reviewers unless you have to deal witht he hastle of emailing that reviewer!(If the email is known.) So that will be so much easier to thank reviewers that way! GREAT SUGGESTION! Pepsi-chan