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Dark Mrowlidash
The Black Forest of Mrowwood
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Catagory name: Medabots Section catagory to be in: Anime Do you have any stories for it?: YES!
This story isn't actually mine, it's by one of my dear friends who has embraced his inner fiend and started writing on AFF.. I'm quite glad about this, and since I doubt he would do this himself, I'm here promoting his story! I really hope this isn't against the rules, but since it's a positive thing, I don't think it should be.. I just want him to be read/reviewed/encouraged, not a starved author-monster like me~! Anyway, as the description says, it's the only Azure Dreams fanfic on the WHOLE site, which makes it special and unique! (until I write one, that is.. hehe) If you've ever played that game, you're in for a treat! Here's the info: Title: The Second Floor Author: Shika T Rating: Adult + Summary: Takes place 3 years after the PSX version's "ending." A horny Selfi ambushes Koh on a routine run up the tower. M/F, SoloF Feedback: Give him lots please Fandom: Azure Dreams doesn't really have any solid fandoms, does it? URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082651 Go check it out, and have fun with it!
I'm proudly a Dragon Sagittarius. Not only am I the fiercest beast, but I'm also the only sign with a weapon. You may cower now, but only after you fetch me something to eat.
Hmm.. I've read the replies here, and compared my own thoughts on the manner.. No: Scat/WS M-Preg High School ( OUCH. NEVER. The world may turn upside down first ) I've got no problems with rape/incest/beast/bondage/whathaveyou.. I've got a lot of evil/insane/non-human characters at my disposal! And I haven't even unleashed a respectable number of them into the world! ..they lurk in the forest of darkness, waiting for my command to spring into civilization and destroy--but first I have to figure out how to smite this giant writer's block. ..anyone got a hammer? v_v *sobs*
The more I think I like a certain one, the more something else will interfere. So I've given up. Whatever I want!
Can Someone Be This Desperate For Attention?
DM-fanficmonster replied to NightScribe's topic in Unofficial Guides
I actually ended up reviewing one of my own stories once, right here on AFF. Alright, not exactly. What took place was, I NEVER end up logged out of AFF on my two computers, ever. Somehow, by clicking remember me on something or by pleasing the Firefox gods, I have managed to stay perpetually logged in and I like that, so I don't try to change it. Well, I had my friend over, because I make my friends read my fanfics AND review them (I'm evil, and that's a very evil thing to do) and after much prodding, roaring, and threatening with denial of peanut butter klondike bars, she left a review, dubbing herself a Pimp Master Proxy. (there are no such things, by the way) After I recovered from my bout of wtf, and finished staring at her.. awkward spelling habits, I just smiled, nodded, and trotted the human off for her klondike bar before she went into withdrawl. Later on, I found that the review was left by a "Dark Mrowlidash"... I chose to do nothing, figuring that no one reads Ergo Proxy fanfics anyway, and those few who do, couldn't form an angry mob large enough to take me down for my "arrogance". And some time afterward, I got a review for that fic that made me so happy, I forgot all about the other one. But to make the long story short, I am guilty. What you going to do about it? -
Pairings that you want to see but can never find
DM-fanficmonster replied to frostbite02's topic in Writers' Corner
Yes! Exactly. Hells--we're fanfic authors! Make up something involving them meeting! People do it often enough with characters from different universes, so there's no roadblocks in making two characters who don't meet in the same series do so, unless you're writing in the exact timeline as the series, working your story in tightly with the original plot, altering little, and adding where there's free space. I've done both. Speaking of Gundam Wing, more yuri pairings in general, especially DxR! (Dorothy/Relena) You would make DM a happy monster! (and everyone has set out in life to do that you know >_<) The world of GW is ruled by a select set of yaoi fangirls in a great stronghold, unwilling to release their deathgrip on the series even as the earth beneath their fortress erodes away.. I know, I was one of those fangirls once! I miss the golden age of Gundam Wing... *sigh* But I have Ergo Proxy to comfort me! By the way--more Ergo Proxy pairings/fanfics! Anything is good. -
Both from a Pokemon fic involving a humanoid legendary trio, intense boredom, random yuri action, inability to understand humans, sudden realizations of attraction, Mesprit on a mission, and enough psychic sex-energy raised at once to attract the attention of wandering Deoxys! ..I love it, and at the same time, I can't seem to write it >_<
Crack pairings are a wonderful thing. Pairings that fall outside the standard make for extremely interesting reading, if done well. But I can't lie to you, I've been very much a crack pairing ficmonster (author, to you humans) for my writing career, and while I do my best on each story I craft, I get few reviews. Across the board on fanfic sites, not just AFF. But I combine crack pairing fics with fics about anime that few people watch! (or fics about the video game aspect of something much more popular as an anime etc..) So I might not be giving you the truth as it would be for you. But I can say, without a doubt, that unfortunately, crack pairings lead to less reviews. Though the ones you do get, typically aren't the babble you see--one time on a site other than AFF, I got a review in which the reviewer praised not only the story, but its originality, and on top of that, lamented that I didn't have more reviews, right alongside me. And then shortly after, when quite a few more reviews trickled in one after another.. I found out that person had edited their profile to promote me. Needless to say, I was much happier with that, then anything else I could have gotten. So in all, the decision is yours! I don't know anything about the fandom you mentioned, but if you want to dive in to the world of crack pairings, go for it, but be warned, you might never surface into the world of the common pairing again!
Because I looked around for a long while, uneasy, and unable to find the place for my first post. Unless it's somewhere obvious and I'm a little too dead from NYAF to find it.. also possible. And since I couldn't find it, hells, I'll do it now--lest you make me go un-introduced. I am DM, a fiend-monster from a black forest of fanfiction known only as "the lair" to the beasts.. and on some dragon's maps it is called the Mrowwood, and on everything else's maps it's a smudge of a space with notes saying generally the same thing, don't stay long. I like to think I'm friendly. And I like to write.. I write whatever I want, for me--for you too, if you have a good idea (bribe)! I have only bitten 5 people this morning, which is significantly down from yesterday. Regardless, I am glad to be here. aff.net is a favorite site of mine. I am hoping that this forum will grow to be such as well.