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  1. Okay I need a beta for my new harry potter slash story. Its ron/seamus. it will be rated R. I dont care how good you are but i need a beta
  2. For me its Ron/Viktor. I feel as though I am the only one that thinks harder into Rons obssesion of Viktor.
  3. i am no longer able to concentrate on finish a part of my H/R fic.
  4. umbrellaey

    I Am...

    I am listing to something that i would never listen to I am waiting for people to finally review my fics I am wanting to christmas to come I am stalling not finish my H/R fic
  5. I LOVE to write MxM thats really all I write.
  6. Title: Mistletoe Author: umbrellaey Rating: Adult+ Summary:" All i want for christmas is him" Ron stays with Harry in London for the holidays. He learns Viktor is there too. Will he ever get to be held in his arms ? SLASH Viktor/Ron Minor Harry/Ron Harry/Draco Feedback: Yes!! Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Viktor/Ron.Harry/Ron(Minor) and Draco/Harry Chapters: 2 Parts (Part 1 is up) URL: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600014070 Any Harry Potter slash fan will love this. Please Read and Review
  7. Yeah,I get mad about that. With other sites too. I mean we work hard on these and people cant take their time and review. Its lazy and rude.
  8. Yes most likely,in the story i am on now there will be a holiday chapter. I might make a few holiday oneshots
  9. I like winter at some parts (holidays and etc),but some parts are depressing.
  10. I like to write short stories. Im not that good at writing novels. But I define a short stories in 10 chapters. A novel for me is like 20 chapters
  11. - fandom : Drake & Josh - primary characters in story : Craig,Eric & Drake - warnings/questionable content : Its slashy. There will be sex and abuse. Also romantic and a normal plot/ - what you want your beta to do : Grammer,Spelling and Beef it up if you want to Thank you to who ever does this.
  12. Well I try to use variety,but thats just me.
  13. Title: Chemicals React Author: umbrellaey Rating: Adult+ Summary: Craig loves Eric but how will he tell him. Feedback: Nice and bad,just keep it nice and kind. Fandom: Sex,Slash,M/M,Drake and Josh URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092625 Thank you,please review
  14. I love to do Disney and Nick shows. Im currently doing a Drake and Josh fic. I want to work on a Zack and Cody one soon. From time to time i love to write a Kingdom Hearts fic. Also in the future i hope ill write some Harry Potter.
  15. Category name: iCarly Section category to be in: TV Shows Do you have any stories for it?: I will Thank you
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