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Everything posted by tally.k

  1. I really agree with bringing back the Snape/OFC category. There are many stories in that category that have now been moved elsewhere and will be incredibly difficult to locate - having to search through a multitude of other general pairings.
  2. Godzilla is my pet lizard.
  3. Snape from HP, just can't help myself. >_>:
  4. Title: To Love's End Author: t.k Rating: Adult+ Summary:A tale of two cousins struggle to conceal their budding love from their family. Feedback: twists.of.destiny@hotmail.com or reviews Fandom: Original URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091602 I really appreciate all reviews. I'm having some major troubles with it. I have an idea of where it will end up... but getting there is the issue. Lots of writer's block stopping me from working on it. Suggestions are always helpful, from what you'd like to see happen to ways to improve it.
  5. tally.k


    kinks I have for sure: -being in a submissive relationship with an older partner... preferably one in a position of high social standing/power kinks I think/suspect to have: - doing things public places (specifically the train)... never tried, never will but definitely thought about it. - being with two guys.
  6. My biggest flaw is appearing to be arrogant. I'm not actually but everyone seems to get the impression I am because I'm generally quiet but will defend my opinions to the death. And because I can generally out-debate people in my classes and don't really have friends in my school, I'm labelled as an arrogant bitch. I just have my own friends from other places.
  7. Sunrise - Milk Inc.
  8. 9436
  9. ...have sex dreams involving teachers. class becomes far too awkward after them.
  10. Guilty - well they had to carry me to my bed, we were in the house. least I was told we were. G/NG - Cheated on your SATs or other standardized test
  11. Haha, no Razor's was a true love story. Pulled on my heart strings and definitely not forgotten lot of people liked that one, from what I've heard Ahh! Omg I can't believe I forgot the Lydia's Dad series! I absolutely ADORED those. The author said she would be writing another... but it never came ;_; They were so wonderfully written and so believable.
  12. I have to agree with you Terri. I would really like to see more plot based stories of this nature. I also really enjoy Professor/Student stories (with a dom/sub feel to them). Again, I like ones that are realisitic and not pure smut. Plot can be good
  13. Definitely my favourite story right now is Lecture Notes by sheherazade. I can't get enough.. Everytime it's updated I squee with joy. Other two... 2) Summer Lust by Isaaku 3) Razors Edge of Love... cant remember the author.
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