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Everything posted by hisbabybird

  1. The second-to-last chapter of 'Finding Eden' is up! Read and review!
  2. omg.... same here. probably the most ridiculous and yet somehow funniest thing i've read in a while. i'm going to pretend that it's a parody on all those demon/zombie fics, 'cause that just makes it even better... hha, i wish i could write something that good. 'and then john was a zombie.' that's gonna be in my head ALL day.
  3. A few years ago I was around a DDD, which was just way too big -- it's hard being 14 and having middle-aged men leering at your chest all the time. I lost some weight and went down to a DD... well, one breast did. The other decided to remain a DDD, which was, as you can probably imagine, really really tough to deal with, as there's no way to find a proper bra that completely fits. I had a breast reduction a year ago, thank god, and now i'm down to a C, which is absolutely perfect for me. In terms of 'how big is too big,' I think it's definitely up to personal preference -- if they're hurting your back and making life difficult in general (impossible to find a bra or shirt that fit), then I think that qualifies as 'too big.'
  4. I totally agree. I've had the same experience, starting off as a reader and then finally posting a couple of my works up -- I never realized how valuable even the shortest review can be for my psyche as a writer. With that said, I'm still guilty of reviewing only a few stories to the many that I read on the site. My goal over the next couple of months is to start R&R'ing way more often. Who knows... maybe the karma will pay off...
  5. Chapters 13 and 14 are up! I plan on wrapping this story up in the next couple of weeks, so I'd love to hear any thoughts or ideas people have!
  6. Chapter 11 is up! Thanks for all the kind reviews!
  7. I'm not sure if any one is still interested in reading this story, but after a bit of a break I've resumed working on it, and I can promise that an end is in sight. You can find Chapter 9 here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story....9&chapter=9 An update, including a new 'creation' chapter, is on the way for next week! Please read and review!
  8. And after a bit of a hiatus, I've written another chapter! R&R, please!
  9. Oh, it's so bad, but European accents really attract me. British is good (any kind of British, really, I'm not particular), French, Italian, Spanish... There was a boy who I knew in college from Lichenstein who would ask to borrow pens and his voice would always send a shiver up my spine. Closer to home, though, there are certain southern accents (echoing cu-kid9) that are really kind of hot, as I realized while watching 'She's the Man' with Channing Tatum (please... no judgement... it really was a funny/cute movie, for a teenf lick). Sigh. Accents are really very, very good.
  10. Aquarius, by about 28 minutes. Even though I'm on the cusp, I think I'm way more of an aquarius than a pisces. In Chinese astrology, I'm a rabbit (though I've seen alternate calendars that have replaced the rabbit with the cat), which also strangely works. Amusingly enough, I'm taking a science course and we're covering astronomy, and my prof was rather adamant about the complete falsity of astrology and even gave us a little rant about it. Silly man.
  11. Writer's block is possibly one of the most frustrating and depressing things ever. I'll be going along just fine, churning out chapter after chapter, hardly able to keep up with myself when suddenly.... BAM. I can't hear my characters talking any more. No one's saying anything, and there's utter silence in my head, desolate and lonely, which makes me sound ever so slightly schizo, lol, but I depend on being able to visualize and live a scene. Without my characters, my writing is nothing. With that said, I've found that the only way to break through my writer's block is to just let everything sit (allllllllways sad, because I'm rarely patient enough for that) till it gets all straightened out.
  12. I do appreciate reviews where readers have taken the time to offer constructive criticism, but I think you could be right -- it looks like your reviewer really started to get nitpicky. At the end of the day, it's your story and if you feel confident in the way that it's written, I wouldn't change a thing. I once had a reviewer make a big deal about how she didn't know what my main character looked like, which was utterly ridiculous, as I had dropped extensive descriptors throughout each chapter, so sometimes it's just that people don't always read things close enough. In my case, I offered a general response in the next AN, which I like to use here and there just to acknowledge the people who have reviewed, to provide a short prelude to the chapter, and to answer any questions that people may have.... until AFF has a way for me to respond to individual reviews, that's the best tool I have, especially since not everyone uses the forum. But yeah -- I think the bottom line is to take that review/rant with a grain of salt and to know that you know your story best.
  13. Pretty photos, though I would imagine that day after day of snow like that would get rather old and difficult/dangerous/irritating to live in. I have a different yet somewhat related problem where it just doesn't seem to want to stop raining. I'm sure we could use the rain where I live to fill the reservoir and avoid droughts and all that good stuff, but driving in it rather sucks... and taking pictures of the rain just isn't nearly as pretty as taking pictures of the snow. Alas. I'll be glad when the weird weather and bizarre cold snaps are over and spring is ushered in...
  14. Ideas pop into my head from everywhere -- a single sentence that someone says, a scene in a movie, screencaps featuring my favorite actors who have in turn served as inspirations for my characters ('the princess and the slave' literally was born out of one screencap from the 'sweeney todd' movie trailer -- alan rickman peering through the peekhole at his innocent ward), but I think that some of my best ideas come from silly routines like washing the dishes, brushing my teeth and straightening my hair. Maybe it's the repititiveness of the actions, but my mind wanders and more often than not, I can find some sort of solution to a plot problem that's plagued me all day, or I can visualize my current scene without impediment or difficulty. Of course, it helps that I've got the world's greatest beta who's not only useful for bouncing ideas off of, but who almost always has an idea for me to implement. All in all, I cast my vote with everyone else -- life is definitely the greatest inspirtation there is.
  15. Good to know that it's not just me! I keep telling myself that I'm going to try my hand at a PWP, but thus far it's failed to materialize. And trust me, I understand the 'ridiculously long chapter length' syndrome -- sometimes there's just too much to say and too many things to fit in before a chapter can reach its conclusive end. I really enjoyed the first chapter of 'Winthrop Manor,' and I understand what you mean about not focusing on the erotica aspect -- I really enjoy stories that choose to focus on building a scene, first, on creating a setting and a cast of characters that I can hear, touch, feel, see, rather than launching straight into the sex, but I am excited to see that you might be adding a bit into your tale. I've spent the past few years learning how to balance content and smut, and it's definitely be an interesting and exciting experience.
  16. Like DarkInyLord, I've been poking around here for a couple of years, even before I was *completely* legal. But I don't think I've ever found another place, online or off, where my kinks are accepted as just another bit of the group's diversity. It's been a pleasure to not only enjoy other people's works of fiction, but to post my own and to see that other people appreciate them. And, of course, the forum has become my favorite spot to visit. So thanks, Beth, for everything that you do! I really don't know where we'd be without you and the other techs and moderators! Long life AFF!
  17. Chapter 8 is up!
  18. Chapter 14 is up! I'm rather proud of this chapter, so any feedback would definitely be appreciated!
  19. Chapters 5 and 6 are up!
  20. I made it in! Beth's signature hint is awesome!
  21. Just posted Chapter 13! Reviews are definitely welcomed!
  22. I think of editing in two different ways -- "surface" edits, where I clean up the syntax and grammar and switch up the word choices a bit, and "deep" editing where I do a read-through of the entire story as it stands and change things around dramatically so that it reads better. The former, I think, is rather enjoyable, as my mistakes are usually pretty small and silly, but it's the deep edits that can be almost painful because they require a lot of time and usually mean that I have to delete large chunks of the story that I loved. In the long run, I've found that deep editing usually makes my stories a lot more interesting, exciting, and readable. When I start a story I usually have a vague idea of where I'm going, but after I've gotten through a few chapters, I typically find the "vibe" that I'm going for, which makes it necessary to change up the earlier chapters so that everything is streamlined. So, in short, it's the deep edits that definitely kick my ass, and if I didn't have a task-master of a beta (excellent for a procrastinator like me), my stories would languish, half-finished, for ages to come.
  23. I've got a long-standing crush on Wolverine from X-Men (and NOT because of Hugh Jackman's portrayal, though it does rate pretty high on my list as a pretty good comic book --> real life adaptation), along with Darien from Sailor Moon (I know, anime, but it was my favorite cartoons as a kid), Speed from Speed Racer, and Terry, aka Batman, from Batman Beyond.
  24. Chapter Four is up! Read and review, por favor!
  25. Thanks xax!
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