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Everything posted by Squall-sama

  1. So, I just found out we can kill anyone now--no matter what level they are. (well you can TRY and kill them higher ups but do we really wanna rack up anymore suicides...? *cough*Becca*cough*) But you wanna know how I found out? Coming in to find that the HIGHEST LEVEL PLAYER had killed me. ... ...... Yeah....... what a lovely way to start the day.... Oh well!!! Now I get to go on a killing spree and catch up to Keith so I can try and kill him back!!!! (high hopes, I know) Muwahahahahaaaaa, run everybody.... no one is safe now..... Actually, I'm making it a rule that anyone 20 LEVELS LOWER than me, I won't kill... *glares at Keith* ......Unless they've never been active..... then it may just be too tempting not to attack them. >.<
  2. Thanks... for that kill... 20 LEVELS UP! >.< What a lovely way to find out that the rules have been changed.... *grins* DOn't worry, I'll get you back on even grounds--eventually...

  3. *snickers* Only if it's by you... *grins* And yes, I do get some sort of perverse pleasure out of killing you then reviving you.

  4. bitching annoying ass relatives... Oh, right, wait, one word, I forgot. >.< Murder.
  5. *dies laughing* I can't help it! Besides, you're at level 43!!! I can't possibly be the only one attacking you.... *laughs* I only do it when you're in the red anyhow... *grins* Otherwise you'd wipe the floor with my ass.
  6. um, isn't this basically the same as the last poll? What's the point, this is the most useless forum on this site. Get rid of it.
  7. Midna's Desperation Twilight Princess Soundtrack
  8. 6956 - you accidentally typed 54 again when Becca Star did, Melrick. You're should have been 55. ^_^0
  9. If my dad knew I was bi, he would roll over in his grave... er, jar.
  10. YOUR streak of death? Fuck, I'm dying like when Calanthee was raping me every change they could get. *glares* And when the hell did you get so damn high????
  11. How the flip...??? How do you donate HP???? O.o

  12. Oh Gee, thanks... that doesn't help that you keep killing me anyway. >.<

    And I never said I was joining the group. I'm not gonna join a group.

  13. Yes, I am part of the minority. Get the fuck rid of it. Who the freaking hell thought this was a good idea when it's the same exact thing as the Aimless Babble and Random forums???? I think this needs to be burned in a very large bon fire.
  14. Uh, pending on unfortunately, me. Freaking DemonGoddess made me want to know what was in here even worse than I had when I first joined and I was forced to buy the bloody password.
  15. *dies laughing* I have that saved onto my computer. That's one of my favorites along with http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=176 but that has nothing to do with this. Ha, just wanted to comment on it.
  16. *laughs* I love you!!! I swear! I just killed you and revived you again too... of course, if you get killed by someone else that's not my fault. >.< At least I don't revive you to kill like SOME people do.
  17. Crapshoot Southern California where it's windy as fuck right now and it is currently 9:39 AM.
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