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Everything posted by Wolfie

  1. Sorry about the pain, at least he got off though.
  2. Yes, I was caught and it was by my grandmother who I lived with at the time. She laughed so hard she couldn't punish me because said guy fell off the waterbed, into the floor, mooned her and got hurt in the process. She laughed for three hours after that.
  3. Yeah, I know, seeing this is an adult site and we are all adults here I hope I figured this would be a topic to get going. Come on now, don't be shy, we are all friends and family here. I'll even let you all laugh at me. Strangest place I have ever done it.. In a graveyard, after dark, behind a tall pile of dirt. And no, we were not around graves, they were on the other side of the road from the dirt. And the hillarity, ex boyfriend was looking for me that night and was standing not even fifty feet away and never realized we were there. Second strangest.. Horse barn, in the tackroom, in broad daylight. Good thing my tack room was halfway up the barn. So come on, let's hear it.
  4. HEY GET OFF MY KENCHAN AND WHITEY CHAN Mine are Kenpachi and Toushirou, with a little bit of Byakuya when I am in the mood. Tackles Solaris to start a cat fight over the captains and watches as all the males come over and sit down with popcorn and sake Wolfie
  5. ^ ducks behind and laughs as he sails over her head
  6. Wolfie

    I Am...

    Fed up with cops who continue to slam their flashlight against your door at 10 in the morning when your husband got off from work at six am and also said cops don't answer when you ask who it is, causes you to look out the window, then act like jerks when asking questions and then ask to sweep the house because they don't belive you are telling the truth and thennnn They ask you the same stupid questions over and over. also fixing to clean if I could get my arse away from the computer.
  7. ^ has been caught snatches Ginevra as they run past from under the bushes
  8. Wolfie

    The Why Game

    Because Green is their favorite color Why?
  9. Demongoddess is correct in the bandwidth department. Adding images would take up a whole lot more, hence the reason most of these sites are down. And it would open up legally a whole can of worms. Most of the newest banners I have seen for the HP catergories on other sites use the pictures from the internet and other websites, which some don't even have disclaimers on them. We would have to have not only the disclaimer on the stories but then people I think would get mad that they couldn't post their banners because not one, including the ones myself have made, have the disclaimer they don't own the pictures. Hence the reason I no longer make banners. And then we would have to handle the whole issue with people saying other people stole their banners and truthfully, I think it is more trouble then it is worth. The last thing we need on the site is more legal issues. That's just my input on the whole deal. It would have been a great idea except for the bandwidth and the legal issues.
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