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Posts posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. bottom line? we live in America, and therefore enjoy freedom of speech. I write a lot slash, but I'm not all that concerned about violating the minds of homophobes. Why should we be held responsible for other people's hesitations or lusts? I mean, i don't think that the amount of bondage I write is going to contribute to the amount of people going out and doing it. Everyone has a choice. If you go out and shoot someone and blame it on a video game, that's all well and good, but the video game didn't brainwash you and force you to do it, you just got an idea. When I saw sweeney todd, I got the idea to go out and stab all the people that used to bully me in middle school, but guess what, I didn't do it! Why, cause it's just an idea and i was able to use common sense to reach a conclusion. If you're unable to do that, then you have a mental illness and it wouldn't have mattered either way if you had read that material. As for corrupting children, well, i was reading smut at ten to twelve, and I didn't turn out to be some crazy rapist/murderer. Actually, psychologically, coddling a child about adult matters (I'm talking ten years, not five) is more harmful to their growth than having them look at playboy or horror movies. All in all, writers can write what they want and they shouldn't have to be told to be 'more responsible', it's not our fault people are crazy. As for writing smut to turn people on or writing child abuse because you fantasized about it, that's bs. I write a lot of sex stuff, but I think that the psychology behind how far people go when they are influenced, not by human reason, but base animal instinct, is incredibly fascinating, not because I relish the idea that my readers will be jerking off when they read it.

  2. I'm just a little curious here...

    Quite a few stories seem to have some fairly graphic descriptions of boys, some even go as far as to say they are 11 years old etc, being abused sexually.

    I am just wondering where the line is between child pornography and acceptible fiction. Some authors say they don't condone what they are writing about but to me that's like saying, yeah in xyz country, they post pornographic pictures of children and I'm just bring back a collection and posting it on the net to show you what is wrong...here have a look. Somehow, I don't think that excuse would hold in a court of law if the police turned up and found the 'warning collection'.

    What's more, as an adult, I have read things on here that have given me an idea about something to try out on my husband (poor guinea pig that he is!) and knowing that, I wonder if, as authors, don't they have a responsibility to ensure that the material they write about doesn't a) get some pedo off or b ) give a potential pedo some pretty graphic ideas and almost written instructions on how to abuse a child?

    I dunno, I'm a little confused about this...no actually, I'm not confused, I'm concerned.

    Actually, law states that, under freedom of speech, you can read and publish whatever you want. It is only if you have documented proof that this material was used by a convicted criminal that it is unlawful, but even then, the writer is not responsible for the actions of others because of a little thing called 'free will', therefore, they can't be prosecuted, but their material can be censored or stop being published all together.

  3. If he's from Brazil then there's just no way on earth he'd be prepared to call it soccer. But that would be a good reason to have some minor conflict in the story - others keep calling it soccer, and he reminds them occasionally that it's called football, not soccer. If not then just adding a note to the story to explain it would be fine.

    One way you could have the Brazilian character talk about the food is have an American ask him about it, that would give him an excuse to go into some detail about it. If that's not appropriate then you could either not worry about it at all, or just leave a note explaining what exactly is in the meal if you feel it's important.

    Oh, I just realised, exactly where is your Brazilian character? Still in Brazil or in America? If he's actually in Brazil then the above things probably won't work, unless you could introduce a foreign character.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inuit That link will help you with info regarding the Inuit. It also has external links down the bottom for further research.

    As far as the last question is concerned, that very much depends on the style of the story. There's no right or wrong way to go about it. Look at the old Columbo TV series, with Peter Falk. The start of each episode showed who gets murdered and who did it. The rest of the show is about how Columbo finds out for himself who the killer is. And it works, primarily because of the Columbo character. Both of the options you suggested would work, how well depends on the story itself, and you're probably in the best position to decide which way might work best.

    I hope at least some of that helps. :angry:

    Yeah, the food thing is a problem because of the fact that they're in Brazil and he does not come to America for a very, very long time. I think I'll just mention the fact that the ball is black and white and hope that my reader's aren't so stupid that they still think it's american football. Thanks for the Inuit link, there's just so much information, it's hard to sort through the BS. Thanks for answering my questions, it does help a lot. BTW, I absolutely love your icon ^^

  4. I'm an American writer, Massachusettes specifically, but currently in my story, I'm dealing with a character in Brazil. He's watching his brothers and sisters play. Now, in America, which is were the story will be read and, hopefully, published, the sport is called soccer, but where the character is from, it is called football. Should I call it football to stay in character or soccer in fear that it will confuse those that read it? Also, I mention a lot of Portuguese food and kept the original name, but I can't figure out a way to explain what the dishes exactly are in the story except in footnotes as I think that the character stopping to explain what each dish is when he's been eating it his whole life sounds very stilted. So, how can I explain it and sound natural without going on and on about food? Also, I'm trying to do some research for an Inuit character, but I have no idea where to start. Last question: which is better, a character in a dire situation looking back on how they got there, or simple going through the whole process in numeralogical order?

  5. I have the theory that the people flaming yaoi fics even though the warnings are very clear are my cousin's ex girlfriends. He's been married to his HUSBAND for six years now and yet these women keep showing up to 'fix their relationship'. Either that or it's my mom and aunt who keep trying to set him up with new girlfriends as his husband rolls his eyes in the background. I also don't approve of gender switching as at times I feel that people don't like that its two guys so they come up with some excuse to turn one of them into a girl, but I have the common sense to steer away from those fics as soon as I recongnize it instead of ranting about how I don't like it.

  6. What is this 'writers block' that you speak of? Oddly, I've never had it. I think I have more of a Writer's Conveyor Belt. I can't stop writing! This is a blessing for when i have the time for it. For example, I was supposed to go to bed two hours ago, but because I got two new story ideas in my head I didn't go to sleep and whenever I write, I get this bizarre adreneline rush and I can't sleep. Though, my friend and I did come up with a ritual for those that do have writer's block: write or draw writers block on a piece of paper and tear it up or burn it. Apparently this works for her. =)

  7. Well, this was supposed to be for Gundam Wing, but I think this plotline works for anything. A male/male tale about a boy who is seen as an outcast, he's anti social, looks and acts meek, and hates all human contact. This is really because he suffered a deep trauma in his past and is deformed/mutilated (psychologically or physically, I'm having him be burned and psychologically abused) and is incapable of trusting people. The other boy is head of some sports team or other socially popular title and for some reason notices the boy and finds him attractive. This second boy is used to having anything he wants, including boyfriedns, girlfriends, lovers, ect, and tries every dirty trick he knows to have the reclusive boy be another knotch on his belt, especially because he sees him as an ultimate challenge, but the boy is not receptive. He ends up falling in love with him and becomes obsessed or something along those guidelines.

    This second one is more of a challenge, but write a fic for every song you have, even the instrumental ones.

  8. I think that the best example I can use is for 'Solstice'. my three main character names are Cale Selt, Inigo Santiago, and Tala. It's a werewolf novel and I wanted three characters with different wolf species and three nationalities. I chose the Gray Wolf (North America), Maned Wolf (South America), and Arctic Wolf (Canada). When I chose the names, I decided I wanted not only to take into account the meaning of the names, but their nationality. 'Cale' is an American name meaning 'dog' and 'Selt' is a play on the English word for moon, 'Selene'. 'Inigo' means fiery and is Portuguese as the character comes from Brazil. I also wanted my characters to resemble their wolf counterparts and the Maned Wolf has bright red fur. 'Santiago' is after a saint that cut himself into a thousand pieces but did not die until his heart was harmed. 'Tala' is also 'dog' from certain Native American languages as the character is Inuit. In other stories, I picked the names, not only for the age group, but the nationality, but mostly because I liked the name. In 'Stagnation of Love', my main character's name is Frey Johnson simply because I like the name, Frey, while in Tears of the Wolf, my characters names are Toura and Okami, meaning Tiger and Wolf, which greatly fit the characters.

  9. Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I've decided just to use a few phrases and words, like 'mel' for honey and the fact that I've mentioned that this character reverts to Portuguese when he's having sex ^^ And I agree, Babelfish sucks. Whenever I have to use a foreign language, I ask my cousin who speaks over a hundred languages fluently. He's much more reliable. ^^

  10. I have three characters in my novel. One is from Massachusetts, the second is from Brazil, and the third is from Canada. The one from America is easy for me, since I'm from Massachusetts myself, but now that I'm doing the back story for my South American character, I'm getting stuck on little details. I really don't know how far I should go into Brazilian culture or how much, if any, Portuguese I should write. I only know little words and phrases, but I don't know how to make it seem more realistic since I've never been under Florida.

  11. In Solstice, I now have to start talking about inigo's back story. Basically, he is a seventh son, which means, according to folklore, he is born a werewolf. His entire family, exept for his mother, hates him and wants him dead. His uncle is also a supernatural being, one that hates werewolves and wants to kill them and can make people go insane. Once Inigo is ten, Draven, his uncle, makes himself known and inigo after that, is on the run and in each town he goes to, Draven follows him. Draven's signs are: radio and electrical disturbances, liquids turn to a blood and oil mixture, and people becoming violently insane. This is all well and good, but I really need more for his past, so if anyone has any ideas, I would really love it.

  12. I recently finished the first two chapters of my novel and I can't help but feel depressed. Sure, when I was halfway through the second chapter, I kept thinking that that last, fifth chapter was very far away, but now that I'm starting the third chapter, I can't help but feel depressed. Sure, I still have a lot of ground to cover. I have two more character back stories to write and the ending plot, but i am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and that scares me. I started to write Solstice in November and it is totaling 240 pages and right from the beginning, all I wanted was to get published and return to my gundam wing fanfiction. My whole goal in life is to one day walk into Borders and see one of my books on the shelves. I figure that, after that, I can die happy. A dumb dream, but I'm not very amitious. But now, I've become so attached to my characters, I'm wondering if I should continue stretching the back stories and plot or just to stay strong and end it? Does anyone else have this problem? It's happened to me before with A Stagnation of Love and Tears of the Wolf. The only saving grace of these stories is that they're under revision.


  13. Damn straight! (or rather, not straight) I've been writing yaoi for seven years now and every month I recieve a flame that makes me loose belief in the good of the human race.

    "This is disgusting and they should lock you up in a psych ward for writing such filth!"

    My main question to these people is this: if a story is marked yaoi, and this concept offends you, why do you read it? Reading a story just to get fodder for your fire is a pretty sick existence. I mean, I hate homophobes, but I don't read their rants just to attack them. Flaming like this only makes people reluctant to write anything, and that is very depressing. There is nothing wrong with yaoi or homosexuals and until we can get passed this hatred, we'll never move on, just like anyother stigma. Well, that 's my rant for the day. I don't care about what other people write about my stuff, I'll always write guy/guy and girl/girl novels and fanfiction. ^^

  14. Title: Solstice

    Author: Shinigamiinochi

    Rating: Adult++

    Summary: A tale that follows the journey of three werewolves that all want the same thing: a place to call home. However, before they can find the place that they belong, they must help each other defeat their personal demons.

    Feedback: thorperin@pmc.edu

    Fandom: None, I hope to turn this original work into a novel as soon as SOMEONE betas it for me

    URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095564

    I'd greatly appreciate it if people could read it and write a review since I plan on publishing, getting as many opinions would be a good idea. However, I must place a warning: Solstice was written for Nanowrimo and is currently at 213 pages long, though it is not even halfway done, yet. There are some subjects that some may not like. Solstice deals with the rape of a minor (only two scenes), lycanthrope, gore, violence, homosexuality, and certain views of homosexuality that may anger some. No, I am not homophobic, but since three of my characters are, they face a lot of persecution.

    Anyway, thank you to everyone who has read Solstice and plans to in the future. I suppose two reviews and 400 hits isn't too bad of a start.

  15. Ok, my mother is the most conservative human in my area code, so I know this well. Yes, my mother doesn't believe in my writing and as soon as I went off to college, she threw out all of my stuff!!! Do you have any idea the sort of soul wrenching pain I am still in, especially now that I am finally posting all of the fics and poems I wrote in high school and middle school back when I didn't have anywhere on line to post?! T.T

  16. It all depends on the type of story I'm writing and what the character is like. For example, for solstice i had to focus on three different characters, but we hear mostly from my first MC. Because he has a split personality, I didn't have him narrorating the thing since he is out of himself through some of the story. Whenever I'm doing human drama I try to do it from the MC's point of view as with Stagnation of Love. We don't get out of my MC's head until the very ending and it is only for a few lines. However, when I'm writing horror, I like doing things from the victim's and killer's point of view, so I stay in second. The worst method I've ever had was flipping a coin. pinch.gif

  17. For my gundam wing fics, it was gundam wing hentai with 47 chapters and its growing as we speak! Of course, this is an anthology, so each chapter is like a mini story. I very seldom write one chapter stories. Once a plot gets in my head, it just won't stop! However, the number of chapters is also seldom an indicator of how long the fic is. GWH's chapters are usually 3-5 pages long. Solstice on the other hand is not even two full chapters yet and is at 200 pages.

  18. dooooooooooo it! I don't even watch final fantasy, but still! As far as I'm concerned, the world can never have enough fanfiction and crack pairings are a beautiful thing. I'm sure you'll make a bunch of FF readers very happy ^^

  19. a body modification is anything that permanently changes the body from its original state. Piercings, tatoos, science experiments that gives a normal character wings or a tail, wounds, scars, sex changes, bite marks, burns, castration or any loss of a part of the body, ect. I have a character in a story whose arms are black while the rest of him is pale because of a supernatural event and I defined that as B mod. Dying hair or shaving is obviously not counted since hair can grow back or be dyed again. Anytime something like this happens, I feel I have to label my story b mod because a lot of people are morally opposed to any permanent, physical change to a character. For example, I have a friend that refuses to read any fic of mine that has nipple piercing or tattooing. She won't even read one of my novels that simply has a character being bitten by a werewolf because the wound ends up permanently scarring. Now that I think about it, I do write a lot of b mod, mostly scarring, tattooing and piercing.

  20. No, not all OCs are Mary Sue's. Anyone who has read my original fiction or the rare times that I let an original character into my gundam wing fiction, can attest to the fact that none of my OCs are a bit like me. Part of the reason is that I don't find myself to be an interesting person and I really don't like reading mary sues. Take my favorite OC: Cale Selt, 17, spiky silver hair, male, golden eyes, a volatile temper, totally naiive when it comes to sex, and has a self destructive streak. I'm 20, hazel eyed, brown haired, have a very mellow personality, know just about everything there is to know about sex, and I don't even drink alcohol. Sure, I'll let tiny parts of myself into my characters. Cale likes cats, I like cats. Cale is interested in nature, I love watching the animal planet. This is less because I want to see myself in him than it is important to the plot and I write about what i know. Another example is that a lot of my OCs like and talk about the horror genre because I am an expert in it. I would not have my characters talking about the romance genre when I, as the author, have no idea what I'm talking about. I also always give my OCs faults simply because it makes them seem more like real people and less like characters in a bad book.

    Toura: yeah, he's pretty, but he's very shy and feel guilty about everything. he is very soft spoken and rarely sticks up for himself

    Okami: Strong and noble, but so stubborn I sometimes feel like smacking him with a frying pan

    Frey Johnson: A bitter, repressed, yet creative and emotional boy


  21. I have to admit I am very frustrated. I am writing a novel called solstice which is on this site. I desperately need a beta and reviews so I can make it publishable, but I've only got 400 hits and three reviews, and no one wants to beta it. Sure, it is currently 200 pages long, but I wish there was some way I could get more people to review it. On the other hand, the hits for my gundam wing fics are through the roof. I'm wondering if it is because my gw fiction has a lot more erotic material in it or because of the fandom. It's a sad fact, but more people are willing to log on and read a fanfic than sit down in Borders and read a book. It's kind of discouraging.

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