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Posts posted by shinigamiinochi

  1. I don't think that's it's overkill. It's something that you're told to do when you work at those places and lot of kids can get adults to buy them booze. However, her attitude was clearly because of what you looked like. My cousin dresses like that, too. He went into Filenes to buy his mom a gift. He decided to get her perfume, but when he tried to get it, the lady at the counter told him: I'm sorry sir, but we can't help your kind, here. His response to this was to demand to see her manager. Her response was to ban him from Filenes. I'm ashamed to admit that I worked for them for christmas. They pay well, but they treat their employees like shit.

  2. i felt bad about laughing about the chihuahua death only because my friend has a dog and she cried when that happened. I DIDN'T feel bad because I was bitten by a chihuahua when I was five and I think that pythons are adorable. The scales, the graceful way that they move, the shape of their heads, and that adorable little tongue... purr *snuggles with python* course when I squealed when the python came on in the movie, my friend gave me a look like: you're insane, but I guess I am, more than a little. It's just that chihuahuas remind me of that old urban legend of the lady that went to mexico and found a sick chihuahua. She fell in love with the little creature and brought it home to America. However, the dog did not get better and she started to feel a little sick as well. She brought it to the vet, who told her: this isn't a dog, it's a mexican water rat and it has rabies. Far fetched, hence the urban legend part, but little dogs like that do remind me of wet rats, which is ironic, because I like rats, but little dogs disturb me.

  3. sings: "The Internet is for Porn!" *curls up into fetal position* sniff, I should have moved out of this country while I still could. Ah, free speech, I will miss you. Of course, there's the other side. This could help protect people from stalkers and rapists that puruse the internet. Not to mention those racist dicks, ect. Of course, those that are actually commiting crimes and are dumb enough to talk about it, not people that are just writing dumb shit. Free speech again. If I have the right to write about mansex, they have the right to be creepy and racist, unfortunately, but fair is fair.

  4. After washing my clothes, I tell myself: as soon as I get to my room, I'm going to be a good little girl and put them back where they belong, but in reality, it ends up the same everytime. I leave all my clothes in the laundry bag until I need to find a shirt, then dump the contents onto the floor until I need to do laundry again. I got fired from my holiday job at Filenes because of my complete inability to fold clothes. Of course, it would have helped greatly if they could have taught me, but whatever. My friend's older sister has this bizarre ability to both fold clothes AND wrap presents in midair with only one hand. She's like a ninja! Sigh, I wish I had kick ass talents like that. But no, all I can do is be weird and pervy. If I had any drawing skills, I'd consider a career in hentai, but alas.

  5. Instance #1:

    Fu (my cousin): *cough*

    Me: Are you ok?

    Fu: *cough* I've just been couging for a few days, but I'll get over it

    Me: You should definitely go see a doctor about that

    Fu: *coughs up blood*

    Me: WHAT THE FUCK?! 0.o

    Fu: It's no big deal, it's been on and off for the past three days, but I think I'm getting over it


    Fu: *sigh* Fine. Sheesh

    Note: anytime blood comes out of place it's not supposed to, I will freak out. Yes, I'm a girl and I've had cramps so bad that I've actually thrown up and blacked out, but guys aren't used to that and there's no way in hell I'd compared the two. I'm sorry, but that person is an idiot. I had to get a cat out of a barbed wire fence once and my skin got all mangled. I went to work and had trouble using the cash register. When I mentioned how much it was hurting me, one of the older woman said: you have no right to complain. I've given birth to three kids, that's much worse.

    Um, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?! Have you ever pulled a cat out of a barbed wire fence? No? Then what right do you have to compare my pain to yours? No one has the right to down play your pain and don't let them say that shit to you. As for vomitting blood, that's serious shit. Fu had lung cancer a few years ago and his lungs have been punctured many times via broken ribs, so when he coughed blood, that should have been a serious sign. Turns out all those punctures left small splinters of bone in his lungs that hemmoraged his lungs. Subtle things like that could also contribute to stomach problems. Huge problems are ulcers, but there are also little things like blood vessels bursting in the stomach. Anyway, I feel really sorry for you. I've had strep and migraines for the past three days and no one gives a shit. Pain is reletive and no one has the same experiences. I mean, if I was coughing up blood, I'd be feaking out, but it didn't bother my cousin at all. My sister can't even handle slamming her hand in the door. Me? Something like that doesn't bother me, but everyone feels things differently, us girls were just cursed with having to deal with it regularly and stomach pain does not equal cramps at all.

  6. I reiterate, Rev. Phelps must be the first target. This bastard protests funerals for homosexuals and verbally attacks families of AIDS victims, saying that God created AIDs to kill gays. I am totally for this movement! And so are most of my friends, the rest have too much homework to do, but send their hopes and wishes. My cousin lends his freaky BDSM equipment and knowledge of 'figging' (ginger root butt plugs, painful and itchy!).

  7. For my friend's birthday, I want to take bondage scenes from all of my hentai dvds and make a sort of 'greatest hits' dvd for her. I own a dvdr and thought that I could just do it manually by dubbing the scenes onto a vhs, then dubbing the tape back into a blank dvd. However, because of copyright, it won't let me redub the tape onto a blank dvd. I'm wondering if there is anyway I can accomplish this on my computer. Is there a software program that can allow me to create video files from these dvds, or am I just dreaming?

  8. My uneducated, 57 year old aunt just had twins this summer. Her abusive, alcoholic husband died LAST summer. Do the math. These will be her 12th and 13th kids. Neither of these people should have kids, let alone thirteen of them. How she's supporting her family with no job is a mystery to me. When my 26 year old cousin heard that, he put his fingers in his ears and said "la la la la, I can't hear you, la la la." I'm so glad he's a dad and a model of maturity, but I don't blame him. I believe that the same laws for animals should be applied for humans. If you can't have more than five dogs, you shouldn't be allowed more than five kids, especially if you come from a low income household. And neutering should be legal for humans; possibly required for some. I had to babysit the newborn little shits. Real good idea, people, give two babies to someone with no knowledge of how to deal with kids. My mom yelled at my cousin's three year old for calling them "hairless howler monkeys". I believe that her observation was very astute. If one more person claims that she is not a part of our family because she is part japanese, I'm going to start shooting relatives. I don't like kids, but don't say shit like that at all, let alone to the kid's face. Dumbasses.

    Large snakes are very expensive to take care of, so it's hard to find suitable homes for the little cuties and my mom said that if I came home with anything reptilian, she would chop it's head off. It's also hard because my cousin is very paternal when it comes to his pets. The malamute puppies keep trying to play with the snakes. They're either stupid or have no survival instincts. For those that hate small dogs, I suggest you watch Snakes on a Plane. humor is watching a man chuck a small dog at a very large python, who eats the dog, and me and my cousin laughing while my dog loving friend looks at the screen in horror. What can I say? I'm a cat person and little dogs want me want to try out my soccor skills.

    It's hell working at the X-mas tree shop (those that are not from New England, it's basically a huge yard sale) and having to deal with babies. These mothers bring their babies into the store to show them off and get pissed at me when I'm not impressed. The reason why baby animals are so cute is so they survive longer, so why are human babies so damn ugly? Lulu Belle, my cousin's new Siamese kitten is the cutest thing on the planet, my new cousins? Not so much. Yet, show me a baby snake and I start squealing. Course, I also think that most baby primates are equally ugly. I don't really understand why so many people hate snakes. I've been bitten by more dogs than snakes and I always help my cousin take care of his 'babies'. The worst was when I was helping him bring Samantha, his twenty three foot Rainbow boa up the stairs and threw out my back. Ironically, if everyone else in my house wasn't terrified of snakes, we wouldn't have had to carry her all by ourselves and I wouldn't have been hurt.

    luica, my cousin's milk snake had babies this summer, but because no one would take them, we let them loose in our backyard. Gee, I wonder what's going to happen? Can you say 'Australia'? We also have a moniter lizard named Jenifer that we're trying to get rid of, but I'm not going to give it to anyone on this site, cause I like ya'll too much. Why did my cousin get her? She ate his friend's cat. When I tried to feed her, she slashed up my arms. I had to endur such comments like "why would you do that to yourself?" because of that lizard. If my cousin wasn't an enviromentalist, I'd suggest putting her down.

    This rant was brought to you by a strep throat and too much time on the writer's hands. :sick::)

  9. i get dumb reviews all the time. Sometimes I get dumb questions in review like: you say that these two characters are twins, but they don't look alike and you haven't explained why. However, mostly, I get reviews, not about improving my writing or grammar or anything useful, but on content like: so and so is going to hell for so and so. Yeah, I write a lot of smut, but it's not like I'm forcing it down my reader's throats, yet I get the same people whining about it for a bunch of my fics. Mostly, I try to ignore these, but sometimes I just need to vent. However, I refuse to remove a review for two reasons: 1. I believe in free speech and everyone deserves an opinion, no matter how stupid I see it and 2. Reviews like these depress me, so it's very uplifting when other people will review saying that those dumb people are idiots and that I shouldn't listen to them. It really is hurtful when people flame you for something you believe or just content matter. If you're going to bash me, do it because my grammar sucks or my plot doesn't make sense, not because I write yaoi or that my characters like sex. ^_^

  10. according to my cousin, who was raped by his father when he was a kid, much like stealing doesn't count as buying something, rape doesn't count as sex because no consent was given. Anyway, my friends are really disturbed that I'm the most perverted, yet I'm a virgin. It doesn't help that my family is both squeamish about sex and are constantly pressuring me to get a boyfriend at the same time. I don't really care, actually. I'm a lesbian with no desire to start a family, so I'm in no hurry. I'm not even sure that I'm ready to date, despite that I'm almost 21, it all seems to be a lot of work.

  11. speaking of babies, don't suppose anyone would like a baby albino python? My cousin's snake had eggs and his husband is making them give 'em away cause they already have three 20 feet+ snakes and he's starting to fear for their gerbils' lives. They make great pets, really! As long as you keep them away from smaller animals.

  12. if you're ever in japan and need money, fast, just sell your pee. I'm not joking. My cousin lives in japan and one of his female friends said that she was walking around downtown and some weird guy said that he'd pay her fifty bucks for her urine. :think:

  13. I think kids are kinda like cats -they seem to instinctively know that you don't care for them, or like them, and flock to you because they think it's amusing.

    *sigh* I've been adopted by more cats because of this.

    I used to have the same problem with dogs. My neighbor's dogs kept jumping at me. Let me tell you, having a chocolate lap try to lick your face off does not help a childhood fear. Yeah, I've been bitten by dogs on five seperate occasions, so I'm scared of 'em. My cousin and I have been working on this problem via him letting me play with his malamute puppies. It's very hard to be scared or annoyed by a pack of bundles of fur. Ironically, I'm not afraid of dogs that look like wolves, mostly just the little foo foo dogs. Kids are kind of the same way. For some weird reason, kids make me really uneasy. like I said, I choose kittens over babies. At least they don't look like little aliens.

  14. the best thing in the world (speaking from the point of view of a girl that's going through a severe period right now) is cadbury eggs with a tall glass of cold milk. I have hypothyroidism and eating chocolate only makes me feel better for a few minutes, then I crash hard. Thankfully, my cousin is currently in town and bought me twenty cadbury eggs. :w00t: I love him, I really do. :wub: Of course, since I live at an all girls college, our cycles are synched, so I can't let anyone else know about the vast quantity of chocolate in my room. Bloody vultures. :huh::(

  15. grippers, maybe? Or perhaps that's how they're fixed to the wall. It would really suck if they weren't affixed and they came off while a guy was taking a piss. Now THAT'S something to put on your tombstone! :(

  16. I really need someone to edit and help me with a story of mine called Solstice, but no one seems to be up to the challenge of beta'ing an almost 300 page rough draft, work in progress, original work. I sent out a few requests months ago, but no one has stepped up to the task. Mostly, I need advice on certain plot points and someone to edit it because I can't edit to save my life.

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