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Everything posted by DemonGoddess

  1. The "some stupid reason" was likely for MA content, right? You are aware that FFN doesn't allow MA? Speaking as a site admin myself, I can tell you for certain that stories are deleted for GOOD reasons, not stupid ones. Any site and its staff is well within its rights to enforce its individual terms of service. Okay, off my soap box now. Good luck finding your story.
  2. Sorry it's late, been utterly swamped! abasement abject acrolith rules This topic will autoclose on 3-29 at 11:59pm EST
  3. Okay, to make sure I have this right, then, this wiki article is correct? And what you're asking for is Bahasa Indonesia?
  4. what language?
  5. I will not be getting to this for at least a couple of days. I am utterly swamped with work at the moment.
  6. I'll elaborate a bit as to why we do not permit commissions here. Even though yes, we do host original works, we are primarily a fanfiction archive. That being the case, there cannot be anything that says you make money by using the site. Of course, if you make money from your original works, more power to you. We like to see that.
  7. What governs milk production are the following: Diet Stress Water intake There are certain foods which will make a woman produce more. If you don't drink enough water, you won't produce enough milk, as your body will not let you dehydrate yourself for this. If a woman is under a lot of stress, she will not produce milk.
  8. Jess, it's actually in your forum pm box. However, the response would need to go to this email - technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org
  9. Trying this again. When editing story PROPERTIES - Deselect the top level category (Rurouni Kenshin). Change it to misc, or anything else. Then, go back and reselect Rurouni Kenshin and for subcategory General You HAVE to deselect the top level or this will not work at all.
  10. oh jeez. Those biopsies are sure no fun. Hopefully, it turns out to be nothing serious.
  11. Yes, that's exactly how it works. Once I hear from the original author that the adoption is confirmed by the original author, and who is adopting it, I then transfer the whole thing to the new author.
  12. You're talking about false pregnancy symptoms
  13. That actually depends upon the baby's appetite as to how long it takes a woman to "fill". In some for instances, women will overproduce. Which is painful, because instead of being full enough for your child, you are engorged by the time it's time for the kid to eat. I was one of those, lol. Easily produced enough for my baby and at least one more.
  14. You have to deselect from the TOP category. Make it so it goes to the "--" THEN change the top, second and so on
  15. You made sure to deselect all categories first, correct?
  16. Which one do you want me to merge them in to?
  17. When you say unable to edit, please describe for me exactly what you see. Better yet, take a screen shot. I see three stories attached to your profile. This is one of those times where I actually need to see what's happening for you, because everything I told you to do should work. If done as instructed, you should be able to edit your stories.
  18. have to ask staff. I could actually merge the topics, rather than deleting 'em
  19. Well, the extra line spacing reappeared after an upgrade to the rte. I have since upgraded it again, and have not tested whether or not this is fixed yet.
  20. Okay, what I did, was to copy over the files in the subdir from one which I know works, to manga. Try now, it should be working. I couldn't see WHICH line was the culprit (it's shortly before I go to work so didn't have time to look line by line), so this should work just as well.
  21. And here we go. Z is a tough letter to find words for zabra zinnia zoster rules This topic will autoclose on 3-015 at 11:59pm EST
  22. The story so far is okay. As you're new to this (this being putting your work out in public) in the first place, yes, some of the advice you get may be hard to take as advice. But, it is indeed advice. What parts of it you use are up to you, as the writer. It's your story, after all. The AN at the end of chapter 2 is what confused the issue for me It's not so much that it's a meditative ceremony, as it is an art form. If Temari gave no thought whatsoever to the service while performing it, it would have been an unmitigated disaster. So, she still would have had to put some thought in to it. Just not as much as Madara would have expected, considering that it was a tea ceremony.
  23. Hi, Just wanted to point out that if you ask for concrit and get concrit, please don't take offense when given it. When a reader takes the time to give concrit to you, generally speaking, the review is thought out. The idea behind concrit is to learn from it, to improve. For chapter 2, you mention that Temari is not thinking while performing the tea ceremony. That is contrary to the traditions involved with the ceremony, as the actions are thought out throughout, as to how to keep it aesthetically pleasing, for one thing. There is actually a good deal of thought that goes on for the host, while performing it, down to the placement of utensils.
  24. So March is forecast to come in like a lion this year... 8.8 inches of snow is what we're expecting Monday

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      I cant complain this time (1-3) but just 18 days till spring! lets hope Mother nature will finally let up!

    3. BronxWench


      I think it's missed me altogether, not that I'm complaining. :D

    4. daycrump79


      That was the storm? that was a dusting of snow we have more snow then that still on the ground from the last ones... I should have bet my brother I could have won some money lol

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