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Everything posted by SilverFox-chan

  1. ^ might be right about that if I knew what that was... < is clueless V might take pity on me since its been a LONG time since I've been on the Forums
  2. Only if you have more money than Donald Trump and Bill Gates combined... Do I seem like a money grubber?
  3. * bats it into an incinerator * Don't need that either * chucks a case of Avon brochures *
  4. Glad that Ike didn't hurt any of my friends
  5. casual
  6. Markers in my pants
  7. A Window Erases Some Obvious Modesty Eventually Z O O K E E P E R
  8. 7183
  9. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am a bit chilled from the AC. I am going to get another cup of coffee to warm up
  10. destruction
  11. * pops it in the CD drive and rips it to the comp * Hmmm... I shall listen to this later... * pokes the person below her with a large DVD rack full of anime *
  12. Nightwish - Nemo
  13. 7180
  14. * shrinks him and keeps him in a jar * Now I have my own Gojira in a jar! :wub: * pokes the person below her with a pointy stick * TAKE THAT!
  15. -UNHOLY UnderNeath Hot Ovens Lies You MUSHROOMS
  16. confused
  17. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am back from the dead!
  18. Oreo's in my pants! I'm back!
  19. Ook....
  20. I'm terrified of natural disasters ( tonadoes, floods, the like ) and of...Volcanoes. That's right. volcanoes....don't I don't really understand this unmitigated fear of volcanoes. And what is really sad? I'm more afraid of them than natural disasters.
  21. I just want to say, I no longer have any trouble writing sex scenes. w00t!
  22. That's basically what I did to get my story up and running again. Try that.
  23. Scotland
  24. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am back....
  25. * gets poked in the eye * AHHHH!! AAAHHHHH!!!!! MY EYE!!!! I didn't poke anyone! >.< * pokes the next person with a red hot branding iron with initials SFC * TAKE THAT I SAY!
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