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Everything posted by SilverFox-chan

  1. duck
  2. 9242
  3. I might try that the next time I go grocery shopping.
  4. N U T S A C K No Using That Shit Around Children's Kindergartens! D O M E B A B Y
  5. Glad that I'm listening to good music Glad that I'm paying off bills that are killing my credit score ( whatever the hell it is ) Glad that my mom's off tomorrow so she can help me with Dylan's pictures tomorrow at Wal-Mart ( he can be a handful ) Glad that I'm getting more Avon catalogs soon. I ran out already, and I had 20 of them! Glad to be almost done with chapter 9. Glad my friend agreed to help me write limes and lemons for my story.
  6. Hey, this ain't 'The Nanny', your not Sylvia and I'm not Maxwell. No puncturing the tuchus ( sp? )! >.< * rubs her butt * * pokes the person below her with a riding crop * TAKE THAT!
  7. Alanis Morissette - Forgiven
  8. * gets hit on the head * OI! WATCH WHERE YOUR CHUCKING THINGS FROM UP THERE! * tosses down a smelly old shoe *
  9. ^ is willing to participate at all times
  10. I have. I have never driven all night and all day just to go on vacation.
  11. ^ is wondering how you found out. < beats herself up on a regular basis V is staring wide-eyed
  12. 9221
  13. tentacles
  14. If your referring to blowing up the world on a dare, then yes... Are you worried that the details of that dare might get out in the tabloids?
  15. meat
  16. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am eating the last bits of my supper. I am going to work on the rest of Chapter 9 tonight. I am hoping that it can be done before 11:30 I am going to have a friend help me with any citrus that I may decide to add to this chapter. I am not skilled in writing lemon or lime scenes.
  17. That sounds good! Though I think I'm going to cut the butter in half. Its too expensive by me to use so much. Oh, here's a good recipe...I call it "SilverFox-chan's One Pot Stop" ( you'll see why in a minute ) 3 cups white rice ( I recommend Uncle Ben's rice long or regular size grain ) 6 cups water Ok, this is the base of the dish. Here is where you can get creative. However, I'm going to use my favorite here. Substitute where ever you want with different meats, veggies and spices. 4-6 large boneless chicken breasts cubed in large to medium pieces 2 cans corn ( standard size, drained ) 2 cans carrots ( standard size, drained ) 2 cans peas (standard size, drained ) 2 cans kidney beans ( standard size ) for vivid red color 4 cans mushrooms ( optional ) 1 1/2 large yellow squash cut into rings, medium thickness 2 large onions ( yellow or white, doesn't matter ) quartered and then the quarters halved. Add as your tastes desire: Salt Black pepper Crushed red Garlic ( optional ) In a large cooking put add all ingredients together, and turn on high until boilng. After you get a good boil going turn it down to medium heat. And cook until everything is thoroughly cooked through and water is gone. Sometimes the water will evaporate after you turn the heat off and leave it without the lid. Since there is essentially a rice in this dish, your spices will have to be slightly heavy as it tends to get soaked up by everything leaving the dish very bland if you don't. I have this problem every time. I will think that I've put too much in and when its done, it tastes very bland. And this folks, is why its called One Pot Stop. You can use just about any boneless meat except ground hamburger/turkey meat. I wouldn't recommend it. Plus it wouldn't be called One Pot Stop cause you'd first have to cook the ground meat in a frying pan. Although, now that I think about it, you can use some boned meats, I have but its such a pain to take the raw meat off the bone. Tell me what you think. And feel free to improve upon it and spread the love with friends and family!
  18. I've been a big fan of Sailor Moon for a very long time. It started when DiC was showing on the Saturday morning cartoons on USA. My brother never let me watch though. It wasn't until I started reading the manga on my 21st birthday did my interest get renewed. * sighs * I wish SM's creator will allow the merchandise to be sold again. I really want to get the uncut versions of SM in all its glory, not to mention the Starlights series/arc. I would definitely love to get my hands on the manga's to finish out my collection. >.<
  19. ^ is actually wrong about that. < has an older model V wants to talk about something else now
  20. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am too... I am glad to be out of the triple digit number and back into the double digits I am not so happy that one day it got 113*!
  21. Only if you want the muggle world to explode Will it if wizards start using computers?
  22. ^ is shutting barn door after the horse is already gone
  23. rodeo
  24. poison
  25. Barenaked Ladies - One Week
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