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Everything posted by SilverFox-chan

  1. For soft pillows and semi-clean sheets to sleep on
  2. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am sorry for Shirotaka's misfortune to have an annoying family I am hoping that they will behave this year so he can have a good Turkey Day I am going to bed after I do a few more posts and clean my feet
  3. pussy-willow
  4. canyon
  5. 9423
  6. Yes the snozberry tastes like snozberry.... Are we in an infinite loop of doom?
  7. I am no longer allowed to carry my son any more for long periods or even short periods as it messes with the tendon in my left arm way too much.
  8. ^ is out like a light
  9. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am here I am happy that the end of this horrible year is drawing closer I am hoping that next year will be better I am not holding my breath one bit
  10. Glad because chapter 9 is posted Glad that Ginevra willingly beta'd it for me Glad for sanity saving naps Glad that Thanksgiving will soon be here.
  11. Yeah, but he'll only take half damage when does eat it... Does anyone get the reference?
  12. blind as a bat
  13. ostrich
  14. 9421
  15. ^ missed out on something interesting < will make sure do get so drunk at the next party that the shirt will come off again most likely. V will remember to bring things to record all the interesting stuff to bla- remind people of funny things and will ask for lots of money not to post it anywhere...
  16. I have and luckily I was about to loose it anyway ( younger, but not now ^^; ) I have never severely burned myself to the point I had to go to the ER.
  17. goose
  18. I am glad I ate dinner as I was starving
  19. 9409
  20. Durmstrang
  21. ^ has called his team out too late as < has killed them all with a relatively painless neck snap
  22. I am no longer allowed to eat and watch TV as shock causes me to spill things off my plate.
  23. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am watching Ghost Hunters right now I am shocked at what Steve has named his cats. I am giggly over it to correctly type.
  24. guts
  25. SilverFox-chan

    I Am...

    I am about to go to bed and call it a day I am hoping more customers call or look at my Avon site and buy stuff from me I am contemplating taking a half a year off from Avon next year as it is starting to really stress me out.
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