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  1. Litmus tests are for those with either little or no skill in creating OC's, too insecure in their writing and character creation, or for those who want a laugh on how high or low their character will score. All anyone has to do when creating characters is read one of the numerous creating-character books out there, or learn from their mistakes. Maybe the litmus test can be a guideline on what to avoid with OCs, but I never bother with them. I did one or two for fun and got a low score, but even if my score was high, that wouldn't change how I had the character. The Sue is in the writing, not the traits. Took three years to be where I'm at now, and none of those skills I gleaned from the litmus test.
  2. While she sounds like a well-rounded character, I would have to see the writing. Most of the time, it's the writing that determines the sue, not the character.
  3. Unless you specify you want detailed feedback or concrit, someone like me won't bother leaving anything. I know that seems rude, but I've been burned by fanbrats who want nothing less than praise, and if I have nothing to say to improve the story, then I won't say anything at all. I don't like writing one-liners for the same reason I hate getting them: they are a waste of space and do nothing to help the story or author improve. There are many people who will lurk and say nothing for fear they will sound stupid; many just don't have time to leave a detailed review. It's a hit or miss thing, really, but if you want concrit or someone to leave decent feedback, put an author's note telling so. That might help.
  4. Here is what I found: Resident Evil: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082793 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005481 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005402 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544201354 Silent Hill: (feel a little bad since one author is my friend ) http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081471 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081048 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080899 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080582 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080561 http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080041 And can I make a request? I know the games section is far off in the project, but can Resident Evil and Silent Hill be categorized better? There are 12 pages in the RE section and 7 in the SH section. Thank you I'll be going through these two categories to see if I can find more fics that are no-no's.
  5. This user for one, took my avatar (though this was before I realized when I upload one, it goes to a collective pool), and has posted one, very nasty story. Blatant troll fic. Profile: http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296844603 Story: http://lotr.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600080674
  6. Heh, I just gave concrit and the author informed me that anything negative must be emailed. I don't agree. I told her I get suspicious if all I see is praise praise praise. Is there anything on AFF that can educate authors that reviews aren't and shouldn't be all praise? I see this attitude often on AFF.
  7. My greatest fantasy would be for Maia to draw one of my characters from my Original stories! ::sigh!::

  8. Maiafay, your artwork is truly lovely and touches the soul. I am in awe of your style! Bravo! (And you deserved a visitor on your comment section!)

  9. My comment board is lonely :(

  10. ^Doesn't realize I'm lazy < I like cheese V probably likes cheese too
  11. ^ Probably likes baking cakes
  12. Blondes
  13. I'm not new, but during the wipe out of non-active members, I got the boot. Anyway, I write for the games section mostly: Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Fatal Frame. I prefer horror, fantasy subjects and well-written slash (slash with a purpose and written at a decent prose level). I work retail and freelance professionally as an illustrator. I also have a short story soon to be published in an anthology this year.
  14. I post on AFF, FFN and my LJ. I also have one archive for Silent Hill that I update on occasion. FFN is the only place I can post my tutorials since AFF took down the resource section
  15. Wow...isn't this a little elitist? Have you not considered that smaller fandoms garner less reviews? I've seen excellent stories with 5-15+ reviews, but are in fandoms that have less traffic volume. I've also seen BNF's that have crappy stories but multitudes of fangirls/boys will squeal at them not for the writing, but for the pairing/sex. This negates the review fallacy: 500-1000 reviews =/= great author. No...it just doesn't.
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