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Everything posted by AmberRose

  1. If I have to read about one more "weeping member" or tongues "battling for dominance" I'm going to lose it. Not so much that it's a turn off it's just SO overdone. Once or twice in a fic is fine but six times in one chapter is a bit much. Other un-sexy words that need to be used sparingly: Anus Hole Folds Cunt
  2. So! You think you can run with the big dogs do you? Well I've got some gun powder with your name on buddy >:)

  3. Happy Birthday from Rose! Hope you have a great one :)

  4. ^ Has a kick ass avatar that reminds me of my beloved Naraku
  5. So far I've got one suicide under my belt. I tried to take down DarkInu too
  6. Well then. LOL And that guy sure seems to like the additions.
  7. Aquarius and Snake
  8. I don't believe in censorship in any form and I'm an extremely open minded person. Probably more so than is healthy. Nothing at all squicks me but I have to admit, that made my stomach turn.
  9. In the library of my university. B) "OH! and there was a time in the parking lot of a church right before service... and in a crowded pool... both at a hotel and a friends house... and once while closing the store in the bathroom I was attempting to clean with customers still wandering around and the manager..." You're my idol. *bows*
  10. Thanks (belatedly) for the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful albeit busy one. And yes, I LOVE pickles.
  11. Very nicely put and I agree completely. It reminds me of the arguments artists have over whether fan art is true art or if digital art is true art. Content is important is important but creativity and presentation is what it's really about.
  12. I did a double take when I saw your profile pic. You look exactly like my partner in crime from my last job. ^_^ Thx for the befriending me!

  13. I just wanted to say that your avatar is the best thing I've seen all day. ^_^

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