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  • Location
    Near Bigmingham (UK)
  • Interests
    writing, reading, live journal, puppies, leg warmers, LOST, fan fiction, computer games, Harry Potter, Marvel, Anne Rice, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Christmas, wrestling, making graphics and make up

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  • MSN
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  1. Hey everyone, I've just posted the firast chapter of my popular wrestling fic 'The Fine Line Between Love and Hate'. I posted it on fanfiction.net about a year ago, and since discovering this site thought I should share it here too. Please check it out and let me know what you think. The Fine Line Between Love and Hate Thanks, ~Wanda
  2. Elijah Wood
  3. Because they wanted to know if the rumor about hand-span relating to penis size was true, why?
  4. I'm no longer allowed to hit redsliver over the head with a rubber mallet for plotting to scare me.
  5. ^ is correct < Was forced to trade in every other console by boyfriend, so we could afford a 360 V likes Final Fantasy
  6. What did you do last night? You on top, lots of bouncing
  7. I'm no longer allowed to shout 'Ahh, Voldermort' everytime something scares me.
  8. Have you ever crushed on a friend? Fangirls wearing bunny suites and jumping out from behind trees.
  9. Because someone in school told him it looked good, why?
  10. ^ IS wrong again < sucks at drawing <Also plays more video games than reads comics V Has an x-box 360
  11. ^ Is wrong < Thinks Magneto is kinda lame and thinks the best X-men villain is Selene. V Disagrees with <
  12. wandaXmaximoff

    I Am...

    I'm talking to a crazy stalker fangirl on MSN I'm thinking about finishing my LOST smut, so I can fianlly post it
  13. (Yup, pretty much. Sorry, I didn't notice the title share game. If you think this is too similar, you can delete it or whatever.) Touch me - Jack off Jill
  14. ^ Is very nice. Thanks for the helpful PM < Is a noob V Likes X-men
  15. I wanna answer the guys and the girls! I have a tiny fangirl obsession with Jeanie! Date, Wolverine, he's my type 'rough around the edges', but he's no Gambit! Marry, Gambit, he is Dump, Cyclops, he's a jerk and doesn't deserve Jeanie. Guys: Sirius Black James Potter Remus Lupin Girls: Bellatrix Lestrange Lily Potter Dora Tonks (yes, I am too lazy to look up how her first name is spelt! )
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