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Everything posted by Jadwin

  1. I know a few of the numbers, but for the most part, that's what the basket full of menus is for. XD G/NG: Is sick of the weather right now.
  2. Jadwin

    I Am...

    I am freaked out at this MOTHER FUCKING SCORPION!! How did THAT get in the house!?!?
  3. outside
  4. Eh. Childhood was less than a breeze, but I wouldn't take it back for anything. I think growing up the way I did actually has helped in immensely in later life, specifically in getting on when I didn't exactly have money, food, or even a home.
  5. I'm still fairly new to it, and it was a rather slow process. I started doing furry art when I was in high school, after my boyfriend introduced me to the whole thing. After about a year or so of drawing those guys, I kind of slowly worked my way up to drawing porn. Then, about a year ago, I got kind of squirrelly, and while watching an old repeat of MythBusters, I decided to try and turn them into a couple of furry characters. Under the peer pressure of a dear friend of mine, I began to draw naughty pictures of said furries, and then just finally started writing slash stuff a few months ago. I'm not that great, but it is kind of fun.
  6. uncomfortable
  7. I WISH. I do all the cooking in this house. G/NG: Has ordered take out already this week.
  8. Ayup! Leon?
  9. Maybe men are just hard-wired differently. I dunno. Although, in my experience, stay at home parents are all on welfare and/or leaching off of a spouse/significant other. HOWEVER, as a result, I was able to cook a full meal for me and my brothers by the time I was 12, I could get around the city in a bus, and I could fix most of what was broken around the house. I share a house with someone who was coddled up until the day he finally moved out of his mum's house, and he can barely cook a can of spaghetti-os.
  10. Jadwin

    I Am...

    I am suddenly enlightened. I am also bookmarking said link for later tonight.
  11. Jadwin

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. I'm too little, and would easily get flattened. I have never been to a concert.
  12. No. Daz?
  13. Jadwin

    I Am...

    I am wondering what MSV is.
  14. Guilty. Well, make that A LOT of people need to be smacked. G/NG: Has lit the kitchen on fire while cooking.
  15. Jadwin

    I Have Never....

    Me neither. In fact, the closest I've ever come to going to any sort of theme park was that I drove past Universal Studios when I was lost in LA. I have never gone to a bar.
  16. I think it really depends on the person. I reckon some people might go stir crazy, having to stay at home all bloody day with a bunch of kids, whereas others might absolutely love it. I grew up with a working mum and a stay-at-home dad. Even after my parents split up, my mum kept finding boyfriends that didn't work, and just stayed at home all day in their underwear, watching daytime TV.
  17. On a comic book note, it's Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, X-Men.... Remember hyphens, please!
  18. Totally guilty. SNES, X-Box, X-Box 360, and a Nintendo Wii. I also have a computer with the sole purpose of gaming. G/NG: Still has, and uses a VCR.
  19. Jadwin

    I Have Never....

    Oh. Neither do I. Kids are loud and messy and just waiting to give you the latest cold that's going around (and Daz: I work in a building that has, count them, THREE Starbucks. I'm a born and bred city kid). I have never been to Disneyland.
  20. Oh, totally not guilty. Life in the city means something to DO. G/NG: Has spent more than $40 in one trip to the arcade.
  21. Jadwin

    I Am...

    I am wondering where my cellphone is.
  22. Jadwin

    I Have Never....

    Oh, not me. I feel most safe in the middle of the city in an apartment complex. I have never gotten a driver's license.
  23. Sex scenes involving females. I don't care what the combination is; female naughty bits make me gag. There's nothing sexy about it. I've written rape, snuff, torture, and a myriad of other squick-worthy material, but when it comes down to it, females are my limit. Girls are gross.
  24. Boxers. Today's variety has chili peppers and little bottles of Tabasco sauce on a black background.
  25. Both of my ears are pierced; one I did in high school with a safety pin, which gave me no issues whatsoever, and the other I went in to get it done professionally, and it immediately got infected. I've got three tattoos, also. A butterfly on my chest, a five card fan with stars and smokes and a top hat and a magic wand that wraps around my upper left arm, and a star and moon design on my right ankle. I've got a few more I want to get, but it's a matter of not having the scratch right now.
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