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Everything posted by cu-kid9

  1. My parents had my little bro when I was fifteen, so all through high school, I got to experience the stinky diapers, waking up at three AM (his room was right next to mine ), and all the things in between (tropical punch throw-up on the back of a car seat is really the pinnacle of gross). Really kind of made me re-think having kids. Also, I don't really like babies. I, personally, think they smell funny, and I don't find them to be very entertaining. I like it when they're old enough to ask questions (even if it is just "why?"). My favorite stage is when they start getting those wild imaginations. I spent a whole day running around with my six year old cousin on my grandparent's farm pretending. Most of my high school friends started popping out babies about two or three years after we graduated -I think there was something in the water. It was weird and, now, conversations with them aren't as fun because they inevitably lead to, "So, when are you going to have kids?" And even as I type this, I just got a message from another friend of mine who just had a baby...
  2. I crash sometimes, too. This weekend, for example...I fell asleep as soon as I got home from work (around four PM), woke up at about 1 AM, wandered around the apartment for awhile before going back to sleep and not getting up until 1 PM...No amount of caffeine would have kept me up.
  3. I agree with DemonGoddess -the energy drinks are too sweet. They tend to make my tummy hurt if I drink too many. That and after drinking countless amounts of Redbull and vodkas, I just can't really stand the taste of them. I stick to just Coke or coffee (mostly Coke since, once I start drinking coffee, I don't stop, and everything gets a little ridiculous ). But I don't really need any help to stay up. I don't think I'm an insomniac, but I only sleep four or five hours a night.
  4. Yeah, I don't bother to fold underwear either -I don't really see the point. It doesn't tend to wrinkle and, even if it does, no one is probably going to see it -or care if they do...
  5. Well...I hear the weather forecast for Sunday is freezing rain...yay I'd rather drive in snow. I used to have a car that didn't have ABS...but it was a stick, so it was a little easier to slow down in bad weather.
  6. I can fold clothes, but I really hate doing it. Actually, I just hate doing laundry...which I must do today because I'm down to my last t shirt They need to make clothes that will clean and fold themselves... Or, at the very least, I need to have enough money that I can either hire someone to do my laundry, or just be able to throw my clothes away when they get dirty and buy new ones (this is how much I hate laundry). The worst thing to fold is fitted sheets (you know, the ones that go on your mattress?). That always gets folded up into a ball because it's such a pain. My mom can fold those and make them look perfect, but they are my unsolvable puzzle.
  7. Are you serious?! We got about nine inches here, with drifts that could well have been over four feet. Ugh. Digging the car out was the least fun part of my day (the best being when my roommate accidentally hit a friend in the nuts with a snowball ).
  8. *waves hand* I'll come over and drink with you at four AM! I have nothing better to do at that time and everyone I know is always asleep. Psh, what's with that? Although, I'd have to say no to camping, since my idea of camping is staying at a Motel 8 Maybe the problem is that, since you spent so much time away from your friends, this sudden turn-about in mood and attitude has thrown them. Also, since your perception of your self has changed, you may have also changed your perception of people around you in general...
  9. My roommate does that -wears sandals when it's cold outside. I'm always afraid I'm going to lose toes, so I wear shoes unless I'm in the house and then I have to be barefoot.
  10. Pogo in my pants.
  11. Wasn't Yoko Kanno in the Seatbelts? I was listening to Girls Be Ambitious by Miyavi...but it just changed to Pogo by Digitalism.
  12. YAY!!! Finally someone who agrees with me about the sandals!! People just think I'm crazy when I tell them that...or think I'm a hippie. Well, I found out that we're supposed to get 8-11 inches tonight...so...anyone who wants it can have it.
  13. cu-kid9


    Just think of it as a modern day Venus de Milo
  14. I live in a college town, so I've heard a variety of accents. I was talking to a trio of French boys at work once and I think I may have fallen in love with them by the end of the conversation (I supposed it helped that they weren't too unfortunate looking ). Also, there's something about the guys from Brazil... Edit: I totally forgot...my absolute favorite accent is a Southern one -well, certain Southern ones. Georgia, Northern Kentucky, and South Carolina are the best B)
  15. Yep. It's already started here...at least it's just snow...for now.
  16. LMAO!! That's the best response ever. My mom thought I was doing drugs at some point when I was in high school because she found a box full of herbs in my closet. The reality of the matter was that there was this great Wiccan shop here that sold all kinds of crazy things that a friend and I would buy just for the hell of it. I guess it was better than her thinking I was into Satanism or something...she kinda blew me away when I found out she knew that she couldn't touch my Tarot cards.
  17. *raises hand* I have a question about this. If the Sess/Kags stories weren't so poorly written, would you be more inclined to like them? I was just wondering. I, personally, only really like Sess in a yaoi pairing. I prefer Inu paired with Kags.
  18. cu-kid9


    B) Well, I kind of think that's hilarious. Where did you find that? It actually looks like something an artist friend of mine would come up with for an installation.
  19. You're so lucky, Juno. If I could just hibernate all winter, I would... Today wasn't as bad -it was colder this morning (2 degrees) than it was tonight (21...practically a freakin' heat wave). I hear, though, that we're supposed to get "significant accumulation" of snow tonight through Friday. The snow I don't mind so much, since it still has to be kinda warm to snow. It's that wind that's the killer.
  20. Pssh! Toesocks and scarves don't make you gay! They just make you well dressed... And I'm confused about the long hair=gay...I don't know any gay guys with long hair. They all have fancy-schmancy hair cuts that require much gel and time in front of a mirror. It's okay...for some reason, a lot of people think I'm a lesbian because I don't have a boyfriend, hang out with my roomie all the time, and get along better with guys usually...the not having a boyfriend equaling lesbian thing really irritates me *grr*
  21. I'm an Aries Monkey
  22. Yeah, I think that's the same front I'm complaining about. We were left with almost no snow and lots of ice If I didn't have to be out in it, maybe I wouldn't mind so much. But I can just never seem to get warm in the winter.
  23. I don't even like AC...it makes my nose really dry and I just don't like breathing in the cold air. My roomie has a really bad allergic reaction to soybean dust, so we have to run the AC constantly in the summer/fall (because there's nothing but beans around here) or else her breathing shuts off...it sucks because I wait all freakin' year to be warm just so I can be cold again The only thing I hate about summer is when my feet get hot -I hate having hot feet. But I don't bitch about it because it's worth being warm. I grew up farther south so the heat and humidity don't really bother me. Oh and sandals...did I forget to mention I hate wearing socks and shoes? That's another thing I don't like about the winter...I can't wear sandals...
  24. Where else can you wake up in the middle of January and it's nearly fifty degrees outside and then, within a matter of an hour the temperature drops, all the rain that was falling turns to sleet and snow, and the wind is blowing so hard that you can't even walk without being knocked down? Nowhere but here (well, probably other places, too...but I'm not there and this inconsistent winter crap is really just starting to chap me). Ugh. I had to work in this shit tonight and let me tell you how not fun it was. The power kept going out because of the ice and wind, so I had to wait for the backup generator to kick on to reboot my computers. People were pissy because the flights in and out were being canceled (which, of course, is my fault ). My car doors had frozen completely shut, so when I left I waisted twenty minutes outside trying to get into it. My only thought was that I had to get into my car, because I didn't think I'd be able to make it back to the building (I sound so dramatic, but it's kind of a hike out to the parking lot and I really felt like I wouldn't be able to walk back). I eventually had to wait out in the cold for Crash/Fire Rescue to come pry -yes pry- the doors open. And let's talk about how much fun I had trying to actually walk to my car. It wasn't the cold so much as the wind (I think, at one point, it was nineteen degrees outside, but with the wind chill it was negative two...freakin' BRR!), and words just won't explain how bad it was. I had gloves on and my fingers still turned red, it was blowing so hard against my forehead -the only exposed part of me- that it gave me an instant headache, and I think, at some point, I lost all the feeling in my legs. I was telling people how bad it was out there and they just gave me that look that said, "Oh, it can't be that bad." Yeah, they were right...it was WORSE! I know a lot of people who love winter, but I just can't stand it. While the snow is pretty (when it isn't blowing horizontally), it's just not pretty enough. I can't stand being cold (I used up all the hot water tonight in the shower just trying to get warm) and I usually tend to get cranky or depressed during this time of the year. Give me sunny eighty degree weather -or warmer...I never complain about the heat. So...yeah...that's my rant for today...now that my fingers have thawed...
  25. That's actually not really funny, but sort of weird...
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