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Xx....-Dark Vamp Writer-....Xx

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Everything posted by Xx....-Dark Vamp Writer-....Xx

  1. Killswitch Engage The Arms Of Sorrow Killswitch Engage The Rose Of Sharyn
  2. what is the nightmare about? Im really curious to know!
  3. I would like to read it if you ever post it....
  4. it was there in the blink of an eye then gone im so sad now!
  5. Ohhh Look it got even better.... I love this even more!
  6. Has anyone wrote a story based on a dream they had? I have done this and it seems to be a good way to start a good story. Right after I awaken I have a notepad and a pen ready before that dream fades away and I will forget about it. Just wondering if they are any dream writers here?
  7. Is that why it's so bad?
  8. I don't understand what is bad about a mary sue fic? I guess I don't understand at all because I never write fanfiction. I know the term by definition but why are they so bad to read or how come fans don't like them?
  9. Too bad I deleted that thing a long time ago! >_> ugh!!!
  10. I think the French accent is so cute and sexy! I know it's over rated but those guys know how to win you over with their language and mannerisms. *sigh*
  11. I love it even more! The Layout is so much better! This gets better and better!
  12. It's totally ok, I know many authors here have their keyboards busy I think I found my co-writer although it would be nice to have you as one because you are a good writer >_>
  13. This new layout rocks I like it very much. It's much easier to navigate through Who else likes it?
  14. Depends on which story I have one story where the vampire has some kind of sympathy and feelings and the others they have no remorse for anything. But I want to complete one that's long over due!
  15. Topic title: I have a need for a co-writer. Topic description: For original vampire stories I am in need of a co-writer who would be interested in helping me co-write unfinished work that I would like to finish. I have so many ideas and too many WIPS that need some finishing touches on them. If you like vampires and horror stories then you would be perfect to help me co-write with my unfinished works. Thanks!
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