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Posts posted by Acal

  1. Really really great story. The fantasy woven into this story is so amazing. The erotic scenes are awesome. Really great involvement of Fei, Vampires and Succubi all thats missing really are werewolves

  2. I have my long fic that i started awhile ago and nobody reviews or rates 6 of the reviews are from friends that i know.

    One of my other stories picked up like 8 reviews after i said i was going to finish it there if i didn't get any reviews.

    People are pretty lazy with the review button, even the rate button. Theres only a few people who have that magnetic attention that seem to get a swarm of reviews and rates.

  3. I'd love to see more well done Werewolf and Vampire stories theres just so few good ones that don't get abandonded. I'm writing my own vampire story, but i'm a little discouraged at how few hits and reviews i have for my 40,000 word monster so far

  4. I think the easiest way to go about this is to add the Email option that FF.net has, i find it frustrating when i want to contact and author or reviewer and theres no possible way to send a message because there is no function on profiles to send a message.

    FF.net has the ability to block PMs so if you don't want anybody to contact you, you can block any PMs. This function of course doesn't allow you to know what the person's email is. I have my email in my bio because theres no space for displaying your email address to the public in your profile.

  5. Chapter 9 - Ritual of Blood uploaded!

    This chapter is another long one, not as long as the last one however

    Character List

    Jensen Ackles - Carl

    Angelina Jolie - Joy

    Kavan Smith - Jake

    Jessica Gower - Kally

    Marcia Cross - Miranda

    Denzel Washington - Marcus

    Alyssa Milano - Laura

    Aaron Crumbaugh - Aaron (Amazing Race 6)

    Christopher Judge - Damien

    Adam - Michael Vartan

    Rachel - Jill Wagner

    Norse Goddess Hel (Queen of the Underworld) - The Queen (couldn't find anybody else right for the role and she is Queen of vampires)

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