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Posts posted by Acal

  1. ummm? buddy? whats going on here? you have 3 fandoms in the same post.

    Why does it link to an Orignal story? And why is the summary and fandom different from the thread title and story title?

    Title: Teyla Loses Control

    Author: Satyr

    Rating: Adult+

    Summary: Teyla needs help working through tension Anal, HJ, M/F, Oral

    Fandom: Stargate Atlantis

    URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093198


    This is what you are looking for

  2. Right now we just want nominations from any sub-domain, fandom posted here. if we get a lot of nominations we'll get a sub-board set up to place all the nomination categories in it. That will be split by sub-domain and category.

    If the story you are nominating falls under Orgy for example but also has a M/F pairing seperate from the Orgy place it as Category: Orgy, M/F

  3. It's time to start the nominations on who feel should be receiving praise and an award on this archive. The awards will be listed on this forum until the coding for the archive that will contain that section is complete.

    Nomination format

    Story Name:

    Author Name:

    General Description: (copy it from the story summary if you want)

    What you thought made it great:

    Story Link:

  4. It's time to start the nominations on who feel should be receiving praise and an award on this archive. The awards will be listed on this forum until the coding for the archive that will contain that section is complete.

    Nomination format

    Story Name:

    Author Name:

    General Description: (copy it from the story summary if you want)

    What you thought made it great:

    Story Link:

  5. It's time to start the nominations on who feel should be receiving praise and an award on this archive. The awards will be listed on this forum until the coding for the archive that will contain that section is complete.

    Nomination format

    Story Name:

    Author Name:

    General Description: (copy it from the story summary if you want)

    What you thought made it great:

    Story Link:

  6. It's time to start the nominations on who feel should be receiving praise and an award on this archive. The awards will be listed on this forum until the coding for the archive that will contain that section is complete.

    Nomination format

    Story Name:

    Author Name:

    General Description: (copy it from the story summary if you want)

    What you thought made it great:

    Story Link:

  7. Finally! somebody brought up this disgusting filth, I think this utter :( gives AFF a bad name i'm all for a no discrimation policy but how the laws on pedophila are written just gives a way for these sick perverted monsters to get it out. Now if its in original fiction why is it ok for it to remain while for example the exact same thing gets removed from the fanfiction sections?

    To me allowing even references of pedophilla on this archive just encourages these sick monsters that what they are doing is justifiable and allowable I have no idea how any well adjusted person could write or even begin to even think about writing this filth. This is only one small step above actually doing it and is only just barely inside the law. It is immoral, sick and depraved while it might be legal that does not mean that it is in anyway right and should be allowed near here what would a causal viewer think if they come across one of these highly repulsive stories?

  8. King Taejon I of Korea (16th century I belive) was also called Wang Kon :):P

    I was reading this really hot novel and the one thing that gave me pause was the author's use of 'bumhole' and 'bum' just made me want to chuckle. 'arse' is pretty much the only term that I really feel it with in erotica. Now clit is perfectly fine how else are you meant to describe it? The only other ways I can think of are flowery terms.

    I just hate 'cunt' here in australia its used as a vile derogative word, it really deflates the mood when that word pops up *shudder*

  9. The challange is to write a intimate/erotic or romantic scene (800+ words) or multi-chaptered story (2+ Chapters)

    Chose one of the prompt words below and post in this thread which one you are doing, you may do more then one.

    Can be any theme as long as it is in the Originals section (not allowed - Non-Con, Minor, Pedophilia or Beastiality)

    Exceptions: If the Non-Con is role-playing that is acceptable, Minor relationships are acceptable if the ages of the people involved are appropriate and are no more then 5,6 or 7 years apart. Beastiality is acceptable if the theme of the story is based on shape-shifters or werewolves and both involved are in their animal state.







    When your done post here what section it is in

    1. Chocolate

    2. Hot

    3. Heat

    4. Emotion

    5. Passion

    6. Nails

    7. Black

    8. Whipped (doesn't need to mean D/s)

    9. Cream

    10. Thick

    11. Hard

    12. Chains

    13. Silk

    14. Boxers

    15. Buttons

    16. Torn

    17. Tear

    18. Bond

    19. Love

    20. Tongue

    21. Ice

    22. Cold

    23. Burn

    24. Desire

    25. Beat

    26. Dance

    27. Muscle

    28. Puckered

    29. Tight

    30. Appeal

    31. Sex

    32. Belt

    33. Uniform

    34. Buckle

    35. Arched

    36. Moan

    37. Scream

    38. Growl

    39. Purr

    40. Snuggle

    41. Warm

    42. Breath

    43. Smell

    44. Touch

    45. Shiver

    46. Flame

    47. Green

    48. Red

    49. Blue

    50. Yellow

    51. Strawberries/Strawberry

    52. Trust

    53. Safety

    54. Blind

    55. Secure

    56. Bare

    57. Chair

    58. Rope

    59. Lace

    60. Sweat

    61. Water

    62. Shower

    63. Steam

    64. Towel

    65. Robe

    66. Custard

    67. Swearing

    68. Wrestle

    69. Arousal

    70. Lost

    71. Danger

    72. Blood

    73. Annoyance

    74. Lust

    75. Leather

    76. Boots

    77. Bustier

    78. Corset

    79. Dress

    80. Hair

    81. Stubble

    82. Lips

    83. Hugging

    84. Massage

    85. Oil

    86. Bath

    87. Sand

    88. Sea

    89. Blanket

    90. Intense

    91. Bracelet

    92. Ring

    93. Necklace

    94. Glass

    95. Watching

    96. Light

    97. Shadow

    98. Tall

    99. Small

    100. Hunger


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