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Everything posted by teeta

  1. Nah, you'll revive soon and then the game continues.

  2. Oh, you suicided *pats on the head*

  3. Ah, and you're on our 'go get them' list, fufufu!

  4. It's a war then :D And laaerie will be pissed that you jumped over her ... so just be warned, she's out for your frags.

  5. *snickering* Ohhh, I'm waiting impatiently!

  6. Thanks *hugs* My nose is a little bit better, meaning it doesn't tickle so horribly inside anymore but it's going to be a loooong week. Really, really thanks!
  7. So ... here I am, with my nose throbbing like crazy inside, as if something there was trying to tickle me to death. Around me there are packets and packets of tissues and a whole stack of used ones in the bin. Skin around my nostrils ir red and raw and I sneeze every once in a while. Horrible. And the worst nightmare is that even if my nose is literally killing me, I can't get even one day free coz it's ONLY runny nose
  8. Well, everyone can have a bad day *whistles* Anyway, killing spree can relieve stress!

  9. Hello to you too, and thank you :D though it's rather evening here.

  10. Not really a sneak attack, my habitual last round for the day before I need to nod off.

  11. Ahhhh ... I'm not the #1 suicidee!!! *jumps* THREE people above me!
  12. teeta


    No, no, you can only have them stolen. This and you can brag that you have them. Only those two.
  13. teeta

    A Bat!

    Hmm, yes, seems odd, but I find it odder to discover something else. I did the same, attacking players with 200+ Str and Hp and found out that even when they retaliated with a granade, they didn't take off more than 40 Hp.
  14. Hmmm ... you do realize that with the difference of levels that exceeds 10, there is no chance for you to snatch any points, right? Because the game doesn't allow it, as simple as that. And yes, we're all in for frags and EXP
  15. I have just reached level 130, I think and what made me think was the fact that I'm more than half way through the available levels (250 of them) and have 761 Str. To compare, Keith Inc. has 683 Str at level 109, and Shirotaka 615 Str at level 114. So … once we reach level 250, we stop gaining Str and Hp, so we’re basically stuck with what we will have gained by then. Of course, some will have more Str points, the other will have more Hp. Now, my question is ... HOW are we going to EVER reach the strength level necessary to use, let's say Stealth Bomber which requires Minimum Str: 11501 and Maximum Str: 13500? How? Because however I count, we're never going to reach even 5,000 Str. Every level we gain max 10 points Str, so basic Maths makes it 250x10=2,500. And that's only when we would get those 10 points per each level, which unfortunately doesn't happen too often. So all those cool weapens are never going to be within our reach ... *sighs*
  16. Our attacks were so perfectly timed that it's unbelievable :D

  17. But I did! I just got up already! Anyway, morning!

  18. As you wish, I'm going to sleep soon, anyway, I'm different time zone. Kill all you like, be my guest.

  19. What can I say, even the strongest player has a slip sometimes :P The next time you'l be dead.

  20. teeta

    A Bat!

    =_= I lost ... by ONE freaking point ...
  21. teeta


    Hmmm, with the strength you have now (a bit over 600) soon you'll just toss the ... whatever and get me splattered everywhere.
  22. Well, I spend time RPing so waiting for my partner in crime to send her response, I have a quick round of killing and EXP points gathering.
  23. Yeah, Roy/Ed rocks!
  24. teeta


    I think I have seen the 'hoard' spelling somewhere, too but whatever ... By all means, you're welcome to fight tooth and nail, I know I'm gonna team with laaerie when I'll be too weak to kill you in one blow.
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