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Everything posted by teeta

  1. No, ano ... just me Red?
  2. teeta

    The Anything Game

  3. 8981
  4. Omega
  5. death
  6. 8978
  7. teeta

    The Anything Game

  8. spring
  9. Aww, poor Darma *pats* Darma?
  10. 8976
  11. 8974
  12. Why so sad? Darma?
  13. sun
  14. teeta

    The Anything Game

  15. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't either. I have never bought lube, hihihi *looks at < member title*
  16. night
  17. 8971
  18. Is it the cross one? Here, Darr, keep it! Chucks a nail polish.
  19. How big is it? 3L? We can share with Laaerie, right? Chucks my favorite lemon-and-honey shampoo.
  20. teeta

    I Have Never....

    Neither have I. I have never had a dildo.
  21. teeta

    I Have Never....

    I haven't either. I have never had stitches.
  22. Grabs the shower gel and goes have a shower, a cold one, too *steaming with anger* Chucks the guy who's responsible for power failures.
  23. teeta

    If I Were...

    I'd go to church more often, hihihi. If I were a pipe ...
  24. teeta

    If I Were...

    I would love all my letters. If I were a dark elf ...
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