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Everything posted by teeta

  1. teeta

    Answers First

    I heard you decided to undergo an experimental hormone therapy to be able to imitate a gorilla's mating call. Is it true? Only when the moon is full.
  2. 9286
  3. Million dollars, so I never ever have to go to work again. Any chances for me to get it?
  4. Guests
  5. Me, me! Darma?
  6. teeta

    The Anything Game

  7. 9284
  8. Hello again, nice to see you, too Darma?
  9. Fireworks
  10. Not guilty. G/NG - gritting teeth so hard in their sleep that they make this horrible sound.
  11. 9282
  12. No, he's at a BD party. Darma?
  13. 9280
  14. Not guilty, if it means what I think it means. G/NG - had a hangover that lasted more than a weekend.
  15. Luck ofthe draw ^__^ Red?
  16. Why are you shoving the chopstick up my nose??? Do you want to poke out my brain? *pokes the person with a fork*
  17. 9205
  18. Nah ... Red?
  19. O_O Really??? We had almost every single episode broadcasted ... Only three were missing AND we had it in Japanese *dreamy eyes* so it meant original names except for Sailor Moon, she was called Bane for some odd reason ... And I got to see Sailor Stars! These were cool guys! Seiya forever!
  20. Yup, I'm here and ... these were great times. A long time ago, almost 10 years back ... This was the first anime our public TV broadcasted, causing a fashion for senshi's. And it got me hooked on manga and anime. Though I have a question, did you watch it in English or Japanese version?
  21. Nooo~~~~ Darma?
  22. Not guilty, though if I made a cheese cake it would scare off anyone in the mile radius. G/NG - wears an apron while cooking.
  23. Fufufu, no, it's ME! Hmm, Red?
  24. teeta

    I Am...

    I am bloody freezing my ass off. I am wrapped in my blanket and shaking like a leaf. I am sleepy and fighting with my eyelids.
  25. ^will provide orange juice and beer for the party
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