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  1. Rereading FMC to refresh my memory on what plot threads I have going. Going to make an honest effort of moving the story forward.
  2. Story of my life.
  3. Lol can relate to the Markle dislike. Even when she was on Suits, her character was not an upgrade to the MC’s original girl. It think it’d be more believable if a fictional Markle in this context turns out to be a client who wants to see other girls tormented. She might resent Lara for her family pedigree and relish in humiliating her and bringing her low.
  4. Thank you for the clarification!
  5. Just noticed that there seems to be no review button on stories. I can read old reviews but can’t leave them.
  6. That’s what she said… I’ll see myself out.
  7. Dug the new chapters. I did hope to see how the rest of the night with Toru Nishimura went, although I get that the sex in that scenario probably would’ve been very obligatory and not novel enough to flesh out.
  8. And I would’ve known all of this had I not procrastinated and failed to try cleaning up and uploading the two drafts I had on deck lol.
  9. I’m up and running. Now to check if Crossroads has updated his fic 😍
  10. I goofed clicking on the links without seeing these instructions, and now it says “The Password Reset is no longer valid” Might need to have another link sent to morbidfantasy12@gmail.com Thanks!
  11. Time to start petitioning Crossroads to release something on Google Docs so we at least have something to tide us over, lol.
  12. *Cue Mr. Bean checking his watch gif*
  13. Fellow Tomb Raider author @HunterOpera has some of his pretty explicit stuff up on DA. I haven’t read the fine print so maybe there are certain keywords that need to be watered down with synonyms or vague descriptions. https://www.deviantart.com/hunteroperawrites I’ve had a H.Foundry account for some time just to browse. AFF is where I started and I like the format, so fingers crossed they come through with the reboot.
  14. Fair enough, but that does seem like a good reason to branch out. I might be looking to do a refresh-edit of existing FMC chapters+current updates and put them up on DeviantArt or Hentai Foundry.
  15. So… guess IT is dragging their feet?
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