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Posts posted by dest

  1. there is probably more to this story. but from what i read in the story i can't believe this. i mean damn. the fact that she doesn't know computers doesn't mean she is a horrible teacher. depending on what she teaches. if she was in a math class for instance why would she need computer skills? just know enough to put scores into an excel program and she would be fine. but what kind of idiot doesn't have firewall on a school computer system. where i went to high school games/porn were blocked and the librarians could see what you were looking at, just in case you find a site that squeeked by the censors. there is no reason for this woman to be persecuted. yes she was pretty stupid, quite a few ways to prevent the kids from seeing what was on the screen. but its not like she visited a porn site and yelled at the kids to come look. i can see her being punished. reprimanded, maybe even fined because her crisis skills were horrible, but jail? scary since i am currently working toward getting a teaching degree. never pictured this as being something to worry about.

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