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Hermione Malfoy

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Everything posted by Hermione Malfoy

  1. It's late afternoon here... Red?
  2. Sunrise
  3. You betcha! Red?
  4. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am pleased with NS second entry. I am thanking Red for pointing me to that. I am now thinking of an update for sure.
  5. ^ Likes to use confusing words to explain something simple.
  6. I did read and found it to be a great twist. Hey, it won't limit you it'll give you an extra reason to flirt! Red?
  7. Oh, well, perhaps we ought to think of thread for this? Kind of like a flirting thread? Red?
  8. How far do you want to test that theory? Red!
  9. Hmm, this tease finishes as fun to... Red?
  10. Oh, really? Tease? I think you don't mind that! Red?
  11. Let's just say I like confusing people! Red?
  12. Wild at Heart (TV series.)
  13. ^ Agitated easily.
  14. Come out, come out, Red! Nan?
  15. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am thinking maybe I won't update after all as I won't be able to keep Jason in character and therefore won't be consistent. I am sorry for this.
  16. Just carried one up the stairs! Red?
  17. ^ Wrong! < Moved over a year ago and still don't feel at home. I was happy where I was before and didn't want to move but had to otherwise I would have been homeless. V Settles anywhere very quickly.
  18. The Box of Delights (8o's children fantasy series.)
  19. Not Guilty. Been drunk once, never again! G/NG - Habitual drinker?
  20. Hermione Malfoy

    I Am...

    I am off to bed. I am (despite Nightscribe!) going to post an entry with me and Jason come hell and highwater! I am also saying that I agree with forum addict. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day.
  21. She flitted through all right... Red?
  22. Pitch Black (Movie)
  23. Not Guilty I try to find out about as much history as I possibly can. G/NG - Reads Murder Mysteries.
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