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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. Oh yeah, I've come across more than a few people that haven't been interested in the slightest way in reading proper critiques on their stories, no matter how good and well meaning the critiques are. The ONLY thing these people are interested in is pats on the back and to be told how great they are. Because these people are convinced they're great as it is, so if anyone disagrees with them then they must be idiots that don't know what they're talking about. I have no time for people like that.
  2. I have no idea where that might be, but I agree with the above comments that it really should be very easy to avoid writing Mary Sue's. It is indeed the defects and flaws which help to keep it away from being a Mary Sue, as well as usually making the story more interesting to read. Perfect characters are only interesting to the person that wrote it. But on the other hand, as long as those flaws aren't simply the usual teenaged "flaw", such as being moody and surly, antisocial and without friends. My god, that's so boring to read! Try being a little more creative than that. Otherwise, it just takes common sense to avoid blatant Mary Sue's.
  3. If it was me then I wouldn't upload it. If it was an earlier piece that I'd written when my skills weren't as good as they currently are then I'd just see that earlier story as practice, an important stepping stone on my way to better writing. I certainly wouldn't upload it, and I doubt I'd even show it to friends, unless they REALLY wanted to read it. If I liked the plot, though, then I might try a rewrite.
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