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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 20822
  2. 20820
  3. Saw a young 20's couple sitting at a table at an eatery, each with their phone in their hands, silently typing away. Really? That's what society has decended to, where people can't have face to face conversations anymore? Wouldn't be surprised if they were texting each other.

    1. BronxWench


      I put my phone on vibrate when I'm out, stuff it in my purse, and ignore the vibrating purse. I don't go out to type (unless you count writing at the pool).

    2. Danyealle


      it's the current mentality. How many of the obnoxious people will be talking to you but the second the phone rings they take that and ignore you.

    3. botticelliangel


      My aunt and uncle who are in their 60s txt each other from across the dinner table.

  4. 20818
  5. 20811
  6. 20809
  7. 20807
  8. 20778
  9. 20768
  10. 20766
  11. 20759
  12. Dear 10 year old me, Your life will not turn out the way you thought it would. There's going to be years of hell and torment which will physically and mentally scar you for life. Females won't just fall at your feet, no matter how nice you are or how long you wait. I'm still not sure yet whether it'll be all worth while sticking around, but you might as well give it a shot. Oh, fyi, your parents aren't immortal. I know, shocking; it sure took me by surprise. You might want to keep that in mind when you think dad is just a big pain in the arse, because otherwise you'll likely spend the rest of your life cursing yourself, and spending every day wishing you could have just 5 more minutes with someone who'll never be there to talk to ever again. My 40 year old self
  13. 20757
  14. 20755
  15. 20753
  16. I wouldn't be surprised.
  17. 20751
  18. 20749
  19. 20739
  20. 20737
  21. 20735
  22. 20733
  23. 20717
  24. 20713
  25. 20711
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