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Everything posted by Melrick

  1. 21104
  2. 21084
  3. A quote by Ricky Gervais: "A Troll is someone who wants you to feel, for a few seconds, as miserable as they do their entire existence." How true.

    1. BronxWench


      Indeed. Wise man, that.

    2. Danyealle
    3. Raymy


      Almost makes you want to hug the poor troll, so sad is their life ... almost, if they hadn't just trashed your story.

  4. 21082
  5. 21080
  6. 21078
  7. 21060
  8. 21058
  9. 21055
  10. 21046
  11. 21044
  12. Any fans of the British horror writer James Herbert will be sad to learn he's died, aged only 69.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Melrick


      Yep, rather sad.

    3. DemonGoddess
    4. hath-a-applecore2


      That's unfortunate. May these talented stars rest in peace. =(

  13. 21042
  14. 21027
  15. 21025
  16. 21016
  17. 21014
  18. 21010
  19. 21007
  20. 21005
  21. 29086
  22. 29084
  23. 29082 What's the significance of 80?
  24. 20963
  25. 20961
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