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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd chime the hour every half hour just to muck things up a bit. If I were a mirror....
  2. Looks like disappointments are all around tonight huh? Trae?
  3. Because I'm in the room of course. That was a bit conceited wasn't it?
  4. ^ Is looking for ideas < Has too many "favorite" positions to list them here V Is now trying to count how many positions they've had sex in in the last year
  5. I am so glad to have been able to help out NightScribe.
  6. I have - Pooters and Scooters for my two daughters. I have never liked my nickname of Becky (can you say little girl walking?)
  7. Every Sperm is Sacred - The Meaning of Life soundtrack
  8. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    How would you catch a cold? Not in this lifetime.
  9. Only my hair hon... Daz?
  10. Cells
  11. I wouldn't get close enough to check out his package - no. Can you tell from the other side of the room without squinting?
  12. Not Guilty - I have some rather insane one's myself - like clowns. I can't even look at a picture of one without my skin crawling down my shorts. G/NG Has transfered a phobia to someone else after telling them why you have your particular phobia.
  13. Simon LeBon
  14. Timber
  15. I am no longer allowed to feel sorry for Daz's sore throat.
  16. I love Monty Python and all of it's wackiness. I have a couple of CD's (including Monty Python sings) that I play a lot. I would love to see the show - although I would have wanted to see it with Tim Curry. You aren't alone Daz. (My favorite song btw has a line in it that goes "I love to oralize when I'm between your thighs - you blow me away" - absolutely hilarious)
  17. As safe a bet as any I suppose. Trae?
  18. Iron Balls
  19. When I'm in the room there's always an odd bulge in men's pockets. How would I tell the difference?
  20. Guilty - I used to watch STNG for about four hours in the afternoons all the time. G/NG Has watched a documentary on a subject that scared the living shit out of you just for the thrill (just finished one on scorpions... I'll have a hard time sleeping tonight wondering if one's in my bed or not)
  21. I Touch Myself - The Divinyls (and singing along with it much to the embarrassment of my kids)
  22. Paul Young
  23. Tar
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