I am off to work for another day of interrupted pain.
I am saying that it's not physical pain so much as mental pain.
I am happy to have a job though.
I am wishing everyone a happy day.
Guilty- although I haven't done that in quite a number of years.
G/NG Has gotten so drunk at the first stop of a pub crawl they passed out before even reaching the cab
^ Could be right depending on the circumstances
< Was "too fat" while pregnant to entice ex-husband into sex
V Knows that women get pretty big while carrying twins
^ Is bragging about the positions used
< Wouldn't be able to even raise one finger when it comes to counting that particular activity over the past year
V Has a hard time believing that
Not Guilty
G/NG has a t-shirt with a swear word on it (I have one with "Death Fucking Metal" across the ass - I love to wear it when I go shopping - it kinda irks the old ladies.