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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Finally getting some sleep after being up for more than 48 hours straight.
  2. Take it from me - don't ever fall asleep within 15 clicks of one. Did you want proof?
  3. Snack-Time
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am telling Redsliver to keep it under his hat as not everyone is as lucky as he is. I am also telling Red that if he even dares to try and spoil this one for me I may not speak to him for a month. I am back from watching OotP and as long as I take it as a movie and separate from the book I'm very happy with it. I am waiting patiently for the girls to get dressed so we can go to the midnight party.
  5. I haven't either - but it happens from time to time when something burrows into your gray matter and then makes a reappearance later on. I have never liked any of my mother's boyfriends (including the newest one)
  6. Times change and so do tastes. What was popular with the public once is no longer popular anywhere but in literary circles. It stands to reason that it wouldn't be picked up. I've been trying to get published, and the only thing I've gotten published was a poem I wrote during the Gulf War - and I suspect that the only reason why it was published was because it was written by a high school student. Publishing companies do not always give you a rejection - rather your manuscript is sent into the literary black hole never to be seen again. If you truly want to be published you have a couple of choices. 1) Do it yourself (just be very careful which company you go with - some of them will rape you of all your rights) or 2) get an agent. At least that's what I've been told.
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am having a Harry Potter night it seems. I am going to take my kids to the movie (along with my mother and her boyfriend and my brother) then it's off to Hastings for the Wizzarding party from 11 to midnight. I am thinking my kids look awfully cute in their Unified Hogwarts house robes. I am stating that having to steal a few moments here and there to make them wasn't easy, but I did it and they look like the real thing if I do say so my self.
  8. Guilty G/NG sings Monty Python songs in imitation of Mr. Gumby?
  9. ^ Is mooching a bit < Will share with Mom and kids V Won't share
  10. Nope - just little ol' me. Daz?
  11. Mighty Mouse
  12. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am trying to talk myself into laying down and can't seem to get the strength to do it.
  13. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd make everyone wear pink polka dotted tutu's and do the can can for my enjoyment. If I were an MP3 player....
  14. Best Friends
  15. Of course, and I'll be doing a bit of that this weekend. Can you guess which book I'll be reading?
  16. Guilty - unfortunately G/NG Has watched more than 3 episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus in a row
  17. Slick
  18. Bring Me to Life - Evanescence
  19. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Weird Science (song - Oingo Boingo)
  20. ^ is dead wrong for once < Will be in line tomorrow night with money in hand for < copy of said book V Might be in the same situation
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