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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I am no longer allowed to picture Daz and her FIL at the parade and laugh my ass off.
  2. Getting some sleep - if I could.
  3. Flight
  4. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wondering why it is that men need help with diaper duty? I am remembering that my Father and my ex-husband reacted to a dirty diaper like Superman to Kryptonite (or however you spell it). I am getting rather fed up with my CD burner as it doesn't like to rip the last tracks of these disks without taking a friggin' hour and a half.
  5. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing I was freezing. I am hotter than a two dollar whore in July at the fireworks stand.
  6. Because no one's figured out how to tie it down. Why?
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am very lucky to have snagged a copy when I got my book.
  8. Are threads ever children?
  9. Leonhart29

    Answers First

    Sweet kid, is he yours? Never in a million years did I think that was possible.
  10. Sorry - not this time. Nan?
  11. Leonhart29

    If I Were...

    I'd have all of you chained up somewhere and at my beck and call. If I were a liar...
  12. Scatter
  13. 8586
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am not at all ashamed at having called out for pizza for dinner. I am trying to make back-up disks of DH so that my originals will stay pristine. I am stating that there are 17 disks in this book bringing the total disks for HP to 99 disks. I am wondering why they didn't just make it a round 100. I am also stating that (just in case anyone is wondering) the book with the most disks was Book 5 with 23 disks. I am also looking forward to sitting down at work and listening to all 7 books once I've gotten them loaded in MP3 format and downloaded to my Sandisk.
  15. Aberforth Dumbledore (And I know I probably spelled both names wrong - I'm a bit out of it tonight)
  16. Galaxy Bounce - The Chemical Brothers
  17. X: Xenomorphic Slime! (Eh! that one took a bit of thinking)
  18. I haven't either - now I've RUN from a storm before - but that's quite a bit different. I have never intentionally and knowingly written a hot check.
  19. Sew
  20. Guilty - but (and if I had done the deed I would admit to it) it was because of checks my ex-husband had written on my account AFTER he had cleaned it to the corners. It's okay though - it was expunged from my record and moved over to his so now he has 4 counts of check fraud under his belt instead of 3... I believe that makes him a felon. G/NG knows a felon personally.
  21. Because humans have a hard time seeing the future clearly. Why?
  22. So they are both hotties. Interesting.
  23. Hmmm - he might work. And what am I missing? Please tell me the latest on this one - or is it just a dream? I would go into shock if there was a FF VIII movie - or new game.
  24. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am considering an Orgy update, but as I've been pretty much written out of the action I might have to find something else to do. I have posted my update.
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