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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am suddenly feeling much better. I am thanking Daz
  2. I have - but it annoyed me more than them. I have never liked Valentine's Day.
  3. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Music Man (movie/play)
  4. Fairies
  5. Next
  6. 4648
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am feeling quite unloved at the moment. I am wondering why on Earth I had to work in what amounted to a balloon garden and a florist's shop today. I am thinking Valentine's Day is my least favorite days.
  8. Braids
  9. 4644
  10. Very Guilty G/NG - keeps a dream diary?
  11. I suppose so. Would the trip be painful?
  12. Love
  13. Crafty
  14. 4637
  15. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Days of Our Lives (TV)
  16. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am off to work for another day of fun filled torture. I am wondering if I can handle another 13 years before I can legally retire with this company. I am thinking that 46 is a really good age to retire.
  17. I wish I hadn't changed. I have never wished so much that I had had the money to buy my new computer before the upgrade came out. (Don't buy it - it's a pain i the ass)
  18. My oldest and I were out shopping while I was pregnant with the two youngest ones one fine morning - and I say that because it was one of the last times I could actually fit behind the wheel. I had stopped to pick up some fresh jalapenos while the little 9 month old was busy chattering away at herself and I had a small corner of my mind open to picking out the best ones when I hear my darling daughter's first word. Now let me explain something - the father of my children is as foul mouthed as they come, but I honestly didn't think a 9 month old would pick up on it. I was young and stupid - I'll admit it. Anyway, I was allowing most of my attention to wander over the dark green peppers in my hand when I heard the worst word (according to my mother) float out of my angel's mouth, and she said it over and over and over again in the sing song voice I often used when I spoke to her. The way the lady with the stick up her ass and her hands on the peaches was looking at me you would think that she had never heard "Fuck" before. I chose to ignore it as her voice got louder and louder while I finished picking up the rest of the goodies I needed. By the time we got out of Albertson's she was screaming it at the top of her lungs, having a wonderful time and I was at a loss as to how I could stop it. You can't very well tell a baby that she shouldn't use that word because it was "naughty". When I got home I marched into the house and plopped her on "Daddy's" lap, told him I hoped he was proud of himself and proceeded to unload the groceries. You know - I've never been back in that store - rotten sales.
  19. Guilty G/NG - thinks the holliday should have something to do with tools?
  20. I haven't either - seeing as I've played all of them but XI myself. I have never - had this much trouble with an operating system. Vista - oh yipee.
  21. Gab
  22. 4632
  23. Shelter
  24. Probably - but they hide. Would you beleive them if they admitted it?
  25. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am getting used to this new Vista program. I am wondering why I can't get anything other than the really crappy pics that came with the machine to show up on my desktop.
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