My oldest child was off from school on Monday and as fate had it she was grounded to her room for a fist fight she had with her sister. To try and drown out the noise of her constant complaining I made her close her door. Well, apparently she had had something to eat that didn't agree with her. Now a normal 11 year old would probably have said something if they had to go to the bathroom right? Not my oldest - no - she sat there on her bed and slowly tried to gas herself to death.
As it had been very quiet for quite sometime I decided that I needed to go and check on her. I opened the door and there she was, laying on her belly, reading a book and very quietly giggling to herself. I swear I have NEVER smelled something that bad in my life. If my hair hadn't been straight already it would have been straight after I walked in there.
My oldest started laughing so hard at the look on my face that she started motor boating. I think the bed moved about five inches from the wall. And people keep telling me my little angles will grow out of this facination with farts - I haven't seen it happen yet.