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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I haven't either - been accused but was vindicated (and got a date w/ the cop too!) I have never been hospitalised due to illness (injury yes, allergic reaction yes - illness no)
  2. I have - and I'm still paying for my newest one. I have never bought a new car.
  3. Stroke ( )
  4. Gregory Peck
  5. Mouth
  6. Not Guilty G/NG - has naked pics of someone to use as leverage?
  7. Deedless Diggle (I KNOW I didn't spell that one right)
  8. The only one I liked was Animaniacs bowling - but I don't know if pigeons pulling balls into the gutter with huge magnets would be considered sports.... I have never - owned an X-box
  9. Because pressed flesh tends to SPREAD... Why?
  10. Guilty - G/NG - has gotten a member of management canned for screaming?
  11. Destested
  12. Goodbye
  13. I have - atleast until I lost all of the baby weight. I have never - really worried too much about what other people think about my appearance.
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking I need to take a break from my life. I am thinking that if putting pen to paper and not getting paid for it is this stressful I need to find something else to write for a while.
  15. Seifer Almasy (I really couldn't help it)
  16. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    City of Angels (movie)
  17. Because a human being bent over double is always good for a laugh. Why?
  18. Only if you don't care about the order of things. Can a sharp thing be dull as well?
  19. Guilty - but only the door to the bathroom at work. G/NG - washes hands after going to the bathroom?
  20. Enslave
  21. Vague
  22. Bob Geldoff
  23. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am headed off to bed now. I am hoping my muses will take pity on me and come home. I am thinking about lost posters.
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