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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Even clearer miss Trae?
  2. ^ is still driving along at high speeds
  3. Kiros Seagill
  4. ^ Is giddy with new found information
  5. That's me Vixen?
  6. ^ is speaking in riddles.
  7. Well - I've been called that before - but no. Trae?
  8. ^ is more right than ^ originally guessed
  9. Gill Gerard
  10. Nope... and I'm sure you'll figure something out... eventually Vixen?
  11. ^ is spreading a bit of glee
  12. Yeah - and why the face Trae? Trae?
  13. Yup - you got me Trae?
  14. ^ is rubbing hands with glee at the possibilities
  15. That's my name - for now. Vixen
  16. ^ knows that's three of us
  17. Yuppers Vixen
  18. ^ likes to be teased
  19. ^ isn't getting the only apple from <'s tree
  20. Because our end goal in life is to spread our genes around. Why?
  21. ^ Is a good teacher
  22. Because we're wired that way. Why?
  23. ^ has found a happy medium
  24. Because fucking sounded so dirty. Why?
  25. Am I answering the wrong page? Guess not Vixen?
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