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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am wishing Big Sam a wonderful night.
  2. Pipe-dream
  3. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    The River Runs Through It
  4. Rachel Wisse
  5. Lazy
  6. Oh boy - I sure as hell have! I can't seem to get away from them. I have never liked the smell of grapes -
  7. I don't see why not - as long as I get Blue Cheese. That's not too stinky of a choice right?
  8. Yup yup - Daz?
  9. 6813
  10. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am sending Daz all the luck I can on the no hole thing.
  11. ^ Has good tastes. < Used to watch every Saturday Cartoon with father and later on kids. V Still watches cartoons
  12. ^ Is gearing up for motherhood and the endless hours of cartoons yet to come. < Was more a fan of Voltron and Speed Racer. V Has a favorite cartoon V's willing to share too.
  13. I guess when I worked in the fire department - but I never thought of it like that. G/NG - has dreamed of being heroic?
  14. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am off to read the Orgy update while I have time. I am covered with sheetrock dust and in need of a shower. I am thinking that moving furniture should not involve fixing a whole in the wall that the old thing was covering.
  15. 6811
  16. Right you are once again. Trae?
  17. Nothing sweet - maybe a ready made salad? (Q&A)
  18. I have - but I prefer my contacts thanks all the same. I have never finished Final Fantasy XII
  19. Ruler
  20. Peter Parker
  21. Well - it seems we're back on track. Mia?
  22. Guilty G/NG - thinks sex as a gift is a right and not a privilege
  23. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am saying that curiosity can be a very good thing. I am hiding from furniture moving duties. I am thinking it won't be long before I'm found.
  24. That is the basic definition of "games". so - what's next?
  25. ^ is very good with anything digital
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