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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. Nope - not I... Trae?
  2. I have - but then again ... have green thumb will grow things. I have never buried an acorn under a pecan tree.
  3. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am also wondering about the whole Virginia Tech shootings. I am saying that the last I read had the death toll at 33 (including the shooter). I am wondering why in the hell the University decided that it was a "Great Idea" to send out emails at the same time as the school room massacre was happening.
  4. It's a tie! Vex?
  5. ^ Is off to dream land. < Is missing ^ but will be heading off to bed soon too so no worries. V Just got up.
  6. ^ Likes bouncing balls period.
  7. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am about ready for bed as well. I am confident that tomorrow will be sunny and warm with a slight chance of grey clouds following someone else.
  8. Another good acid reflux inducer. Can we add whiskey to that list?
  9. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking the people who threw you in had an inkling of the end result. I am stating that the man who threw me in was just looking for a way to cool me off. I am also stating that it didn't work - and he got the brunt of my Bitchiness.
  10. ^ Is thinking a nap sounds good. < is also thinking bedy by time might be a good idea in the next few mins... V Will be staying up late.
  11. ^ seems to be in a verbal tennis match.
  12. Oh yeah! I can see the indigestion now - popcorn, chocolate and Guinness... What else can we add to the mix?
  13. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am too - or that's what happened the last time someone threw me in the lake to see if I was a witch (er... bitch) or not.
  14. ^ is better off letting someone else handle the digital thingies
  15. ^ is getting better at admitting that < knows all... < Doesn't need an excuse to act like a kid again. V Doesn't need an excuse either.
  16. Very Guilty G/NG - has dreamed of the proverbial "White knight and his horse" galloping in and saving you from a life of drudgery?
  17. Ding Ding Ding - Right! Vixen?
  18. I'll take the strawberries but you can keep the chocolate... unless... How about chocolate covered popcorn?
  19. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am thinking that there are a lot of games to choose from. I am also thinking we should just jump in with both feet and hope we float.
  20. I haven't either - though I wouldn't mind having to do it again. I have never OD'd on sweetness.
  21. Leonhart29

    Title Share

    Man in the Iron Mask
  22. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am not going anywhere too soon. I am here to play for a bit.
  23. Leonhart29

    I Am...

    I am stating that I missed you. I am missing someone else too... I am about ready to drop.
  24. 6816
  25. Mickey Mouse Presents
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