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Everything posted by Leonhart29

  1. I haven't but I have taught pre-kindergarten when I was young and stupid. I have never head to hide under my desk in a storm
  2. Luke Skywalker
  3. Most impressive. Trae?
  4. Guilty in my own mind - It depends on the soul really - For some reason Trae's always hit me as royal purple while SJ's is deep red... G/NG - has ever had someone complement them on their Aura
  5. (Reach up for the) Sunrise by Duran Duran
  6. ^ will be happy to devulge a few recipies
  7. Doll
  8. Thespian
  9. Although I've been told I'm out there sometimes I haven't either. I have never had detention
  10. George Michael
  11. ^ Is warning < about said peril just to make the case more interesting.
  12. Knight
  13. ^ Is an alien that steals the souls of the unwary < is off to bed and has <'s soul teathered to her shoulders just in case V Is in need of another beer.
  14. ^ Is projecting ^'s need for a soul on <
  15. ^ Had a soul shake for breakfast < is pointing at nothing inparticular as < sniggers with delight < has wound down enough to rest <'s soul V Won't be getting any rest for a while
  16. ^ Should know that my soul already belongs to someone who won't give it up any time soon.
  17. Because we can always cum again in short order if we put our "minds" to it. How many licks does it take to pop that lollipop?
  18. Druid
  19. ^ Is pointing and sniggering < Has been pointed at several times today and not just by fingers V Knows what I'm talking about
  20. ^ In need of more souls
  21. Henry Fonda
  22. That's a secret that I'll share in due time. Can you wait that long?
  23. I have and do on occasion. I have never liked green beans
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