^ Stays away from cold water
< Has seen the effects and is reminded that good things come in small packages once they're warmed up
V Might consider a few more props that can be found on the jungle floor
^ Has started bringing ^'s thinking into the 21st century
< Thinks that as long as the leather is fur lined it'll be great
V Is worried about the shrinkage that will happen when the leather gets wet
^ Is looking at chains and wondering which gage to use
< thinks that a little bondage would be good for the springs
V Is looking for non rusting chains
I guess I should change my name to Pugsly then. I really shouldn't be here as it is, but as I am and I have laughed at every attempt fate has made at sending me "home" I think it might fit.
^ is a bit of a lone wolf
< Writes in a fandom that has a shit load of good writters and even more of the bad ones
V prefers to write in the Original section