^ Should love everything about herself
< Hated it when <'s brother used to hold her down and play connect the dots with <'s freckles.
V Still hates freckles
^ Has a perfect peaches and cream complexion.
< Has the same complexion and is very proud to be "whiter then the underbelly of a catfish"
V Prefers tanned flesh
Not guilty - no really! Ask anyone and they'll tell you I'm not (if they know what's good for them that is...)
G/NG Was the kid the bullies picked on (raises hand and cowers at the memories)
^ Will be in pre-pregnancy shape in no time
< Has <'s own lake right out <'s back door.
< Still loves the idea of a jacuzzi
V Is counting savings to see how much more V has to save up for the jacuzzi